Writing Prompt #21

My Gratitude For Life — Good And Bad During 2022

Reviewing Events Of 2022

Pamela Oglesby
3 min readJan 13, 2023


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Once again at Refresh The Soul has provided a writing prompt and I decided to participate. Nancy works hard reading and posting our responses to her challenges, which I appreciate.

Ten Things I Am Grateful For

What 10 things or moments were you most grateful for last year? Let’s see those listicles! These are Nancy’s instructions.

  1. I survived four difficult hospitalizations. I had a failed surgery on my cervical spine, then a second spine surgery. This was one of the most painful surgeries I’ve ever had, and I’ve had a few. The next two hospitalizations were for other problems, and I wrote about the last one here.
  2. I have a new little red-haired great-granddaughter. My granddaughter, her husband, and new baby Raven came to visit us. This little gal was just 4 weeks old and she surprisingly had red hair with blue eyes. She slept most of the time she was here, but I did get to hold her.
  3. My youngest son and his family came to visit from the GA mountains. My son, wife and three children came at Thanksgiving. I was hospitalized for some of their visit but still loved seeing them. These grandchildren range…



Pamela Oglesby

I have been writing online for 15 years. I have won 5 Medium top writer awards,. I write about medical issues, human interest and relationship stories..