
What happens when we plant a seed?


Sprouting seed basking in the Sun by eko pramono from Pixabay

Planted seed now sapling

poking above soil to sky

rain and sun rattling

tender leaves dripping dry.

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Seasons layer onto years

years yawn into decades.

Sobs blossom into cheers

as we compost our crusades.

Photo by Dustin Humes on Unsplash

Growth waxes candles’ time

layered with words and deeds.

Wisdom ripens when we rhyme

daily practice of tending seeds.

Photo by Sam Barber on Unsplash

May our life gardens grow

free of weeds, floods, or drought.

May we share our harvest glow

sans worry, shame, guilt, or doubt.

Inspiration for this poem? Nancy Blackman’s post:

