“Will I Be a Good Parent?”

If you ask yourself this question, then yes—you will be a good parent

Prahalad Rajkumar
Refresh the Soul
3 min readMar 13, 2024


Poor parents don’t ask themselves this question

Photo by Dvir Adler on Unsplash

Way too many couples choose not to have children because they think they will be bad parents.

On the other side of the coin, the flippant couples who contribute to the problems of the world have 4 or 5 children and raise them poorly.

Do you ask yourself the question “Will I be a good parent?”

The answer is yes — you will be a good parent.

Why, you ask?

Because you asked this question.

You’re Self-Aware

Every human being has flaws.

The fact you doubt your parenting abilities demonstrates your self-awareness.

You are aware of your flaws and what baggage you bring. You’re concerned you’ll pass on your baggage to your children.

With this self-awareness, there is the opportunity to work on your baggage. You can make the buck stop with you and raise your young ones with a clean slate.

Your self-awareness is a plus and is precisely the reason you should have children.

Bad parents don’t ask themselves this question — they keep screwing up merrily and raise children who replicate the flawed ways.

There is No Parenting Manual

Every child is different. Every parent is clueless.

There is no parenting manual.

This warped dynamic adds spice to life and makes things interesting.

Each parent will mess up. Repeatedly. And that’s okay — it is the way things are supposed to be.

A good faith effort is all you can offer.

Accept your flaws. Work on yourself. Strive to become a better parent than you were yesterday.

And raise some amazing children and encourage them to leave the world a better place than when they came in.

Double Whammy

The contemplative and self-aware people focus on their flaws and choose to not have children.

The questionable ones have multiple children and raise them to be poor adults.

You do the math.

How will the world become a better place if this graph continues?

Bad Parents Don’t Stop to Reflect

Bad parents go through life thoughtlessly and mindlessly with zero self-awareness.

They gossip mercilessly about others — unwittingly teaching their children to gossip.

They resort to unethical means to make money — creating adults who make a quick buck without delivering value.

They measure their child’s success on how well they do in school or how much money they earn as adults.

They compare their children relentlessly with other children — without appreciating the uniqueness of each child.

Bad parents live life in a flawed and compulsive way.

Bad parents don’t stop to reflect — period.

There are Superb Parenting Books Out There

We live in an incredible world where rich knowledge is available readily.

There are incredible books on parenting out there to help parents do a good job raising their children.

I’ve read some incredible books on parenting and they’ve given me great insight on how to be a good parent.

In previous generations, grandparents and other relatives would give their wisdom on raising children. In today’s world of nuclear families, that wisdom is largely unavailable. The parenting books fill this gap to a good extent.

You WILL Screw Up as a Parent

You will definitely screw up as a parent.

Guess what? Every parent does. Forgive yourself liberally. Learn your lessons with each parenting transaction. Give your children a home filled with love and hygge.

Do your best.

And your babies will grow into fine human beings.

Final Words

“Will I be a good parent?” you ask.

The answer is easy.


The world needs more people like you to raise thoughtful children.



Prahalad Rajkumar
Refresh the Soul

Top Writer in Books| Software Professional | Bridge Player | Interested in unique outlooks on life| Questioning the definitions society expects us to follow.