Take a Break — Refresh yourself

Avinash Raghava
Published in
3 min readJun 18, 2018

It’s a sacred space. Key ingredient for journeying through uncertainty is to connect with fellow co-travellers. Pause and take time to discover, reflect and refresh yourself. Experience fellowship with a select group of carefully curated co-travellers, most of whom are Entrepreneurs themselves.

Purposefully designed to be intimate, participants are encouraged to feel, share and learn techniques to seek intuition, creativity and wisdom within themselves. Our intention is to enable Founders and Entrepreneurs to return to their journey feeling most resilient, fully equipped, to lead and live from Within.

The Experience

Creating a firm and growing a business is a craft firmly-rooted in, who we are as individuals. Hence allowing yourself, time to reflect and re-discover your true-self, is not only pivotal to your success, but its also essential to journey through uncertainty with courage and authenticity. The experience is designed to be a safe-space where participants can intimately share their fears, their internal struggles and openly discuss mutual-vulnerabilities. Our endeavor is to embrace an organic way of working, by co-creating safe spaces for listening. This allows emergence of the New from the old, while deeply honoring the individual, their life circumstances/struggles and their unique journey.

What to Expect

Over the many years, of building entrepreneurial ecosystems and cultures where entrepreneurs- help-entrepreneurs, we believe in the shared passion and commitment to the overall wellbeing of mental and emotional health of entrepreneurs.


We understand that for a creator like you, there are few things more satisfying than getting lost in the flow-of-making. We wish to harness the power of this inner creativity in each of you, to co-create activities that increase sensitivity towards the hardships of a fellow founder’s journey, to create experiences that allows you to touch another entrepreneur and be-touched by another entrepreneur.


Whether you’re a first-time entrepreneur or a serial entrepreneur, going through the daily-grind of creating something-from-nothing levy a significant emotional toll. Discover the many ways to cope with such stresses, whether its through mindfulness, or yoga, or nature hikes or guided meditations. If we listen to our mind, body and hearts, and most importantly to fellow co- travellers, we find that there is so much within us to discover.


The magic happens mostly in the in-between time and in-between spaces. Don’t’ worry if your business/startup is not doing well right now. Take a break. Music is nothing but the gap between the silences. Experience the gifts of giving and receiving. Together let us exchange ideas, fill up on motivation, and find new inspirations to move forward. Cohort etymology is retinue, to pursue the hard-journey with a group of people, who can act as mentors, as advisors and as caring-souls who will watch your back, when you most need it. Take this down-turn, as an opportunity to create a bunch of cohorts for yourself.

How to Participate?

Please leave your name, number, your business/idea, and a short note on your current struggles here



Avinash Raghava

Building Community at @SaaSBoomi | Past: Community @ScaleTogether @Accel_India. Co-Founded@iSPIRT(@Product_Nation), @NASSCOM