Our Systems Change Frameworks

rachel sinha
Refuge for systems leaders
5 min readFeb 17, 2022

by Rachel Sinha and Tatiana Fraser

We at The Systems Sanctuary teach and train people who want to create the conditions for systemic change.

We use many frameworks and tools to do this. Here are some of the frameworks we have created ourselves (along with a few favorites created by others).

We teach these in our Masterclass and in Strategy Intensives and in our ecosystems peer learning cohorts. Get in touch if you want to find out more about either.

The Wave Model: Systems Change Practice Competencies

In simple terms this represents “what do you need to get good at to do systems change work?”

These are the building blocks we cover in our Masterclass on Systems Practice which you can find out more about here. We also teach and train on these different capabilities in our strategy intensives.

The Feminist Systems Change Practice Framework

Our framework which blends feminist and systems change practice together as a powerful strategy for change.

It shows how feminist practice like centering lived experience and using intersectional frames shifts power and can become the solid building blocks on which strategy for systems change can emerge.

The Power Shift Framework

Our favorite model for making sense of systemic challenges and looking at your current strategy for systems change.

Building on Geels’ (2011) Transition Theory, The Power Shift Framework adds a much needed ‘Deep Roots System’, where we can locate grass roots movements, healing and personal change as strategies for systems change.

Scale Deep

In Social Innovation we know about Scaling Up (addressing policy and mainstream institutions), Scaling Out (replicating and spreading innovations that work), but Tatiana added a new layer to this thinking Scaling Deep — working to impact change at a cultural level.

We use this to look at how your current strategy for systems change is working at multiple levels (or not).

Building ecosystems for positive change

This framework can be used to explore the different roles you need in order to build a field of practice, that will support systems change. It builds on a framework Rachel developed with Tim Draimin (in Mapping Momentum 2016),

We use it with groups who have the makings of an ecosystem who are already addressing a systemic problem, but want to get more organized in building a powerful, unified movement for change.

Other Systems Frameworks we love (and use often)

The Berkana Two Loops

Created by two brilliant minds in systems change Margaret Wheatley and Deborah Frieze, this helps us to understand how systems change over time.

Importantly is gives us the beginnings of a Strategy for Systems Change which is based on finding the inspiring individuals that are already working on the systemic issue at hand, connecting them in a community of practice, that can lead to a system of influence over time.

The Panarchy Cycle

Tracks the life and death of natural systems and used for personal, team and collective reflection on work and life transitions.

The Finance Innovation Lab’s Strategy for Systems Change

This is a useful framework for mapping an existing strategy that works at multiple places in the system, to track gaps and opportunities. It’s also a very useful tool to share with stakeholders so they get a sense of the overall picture of your work.

The framework was create by Rachel and colleagues Charlotte Millar and Jen Morgan when she was co-leading The Finance Innovation Lab in the UK.

The Iceberg

Helps us to map out the root cause challenges in a system.

The Actor Map

We use this map actors across a system and to see the interconnection between them clearly.


This is a helpful framework for uncovering the dynamics in a system that help or hinder progress towards your goal.

Equity Framework

This framework from The World Trust is something we use at the start of everything we do, to get participants thinking about their role in the system.

We also explore how identity, culture and history shapes your story, informs your work, and gives you challenges, privileges and strengths.

About us

We at The Systems Sanctuary, work with leaders who already have a Network, Cohort, Team or Ecosystem and are trying to create the conditions for it to have a deeper systemic impact.

We work individually and with cohorts across an ecosystem.

Specifically we offer coaching, strategy support and peer learning processes. We also train leaders internationally on systems change practice.

With ties to the UK, US and Canada, we work internationally.

We teach a Masterclass on Systems Practice for teams and also as part of an annual cohort and also host Strategy Intensives as deep dives.




rachel sinha
Refuge for systems leaders

Co-Founder @SystemSanctuary and @TheFinanceLab, Alumni @THNK_org #systemschange for people and planet