Incomplete list of people we are thankful for (ongoing)

We couldn’t appreciate more people’s generous help so we want to write them down and remember the things people did for us

May Chen
RefugeesCode Melbourne
2 min readJul 4, 2022


All the stall runners from RAC especially Helen

A year before May started the group, May was in Melbourne for one day and came across a RAC stall in Brunswick Helen ran, that planted the seed in May’s mind and led to May coming back to Melbourne and starting this group.

Kath from RAC

For introducing May around at the world refugee day rally and that’s how May got Arya and Abdi in the group.

Phil from NEXL

For giving us $500 every month and office space to run this group.

Omar & Laura from NEXL

Arya needs a physically easy job so he doesn’t have to worry about money and can still have energy at the end of the day to focus on learning coding and building a future, and May was wondering if BDR(business development representative) could be a good entry level job for him so May went to Omar — NEXL star BDR and asked for advice. Omar gave May a good intro on what BDR is about and what’s the day to day work like, it was very helpful.

And May went to Laura because she wanted to understand from BDM’s (business development manager) point of view what BDR is and what makes a good BDR. And Laura was very open about everything and May learned a lot from her.

Diletta the yoga instructor

For resetting May’s anxious mind on Wednesday so she has the strength to keep going again.

Asa & Caoimhe the recruiters

For giving us advices what entry level office jobs are there and platforms and tips to find them.

Rosemary Thampson

Arya: she always look after me and never said no to me if i needed help.

Trudy hair

Arya: like a sister always try to do the best things if it depends to me.

Dr Marie Bismark

Arya: always try to help and so so kind to me.

Vera Manojlovic

Arya: i have no word to show how-much she tries to help people.

For introducing Abdi to the group.



May Chen
RefugeesCode Melbourne

A developer who occasionally has existential crisis and thinks if we are heading to the wrong direction, technology is just getting us there sooner.