Announcing: Chorus One + Regen Network

Regen Network
Regen Network
Published in
2 min readOct 21, 2019

Regen Network is thrilled to announce our new partnership with Chorus One, a professional and well-known Proof-of-Stake validator. As part of this effort, Chrous One will provide a solid community and validators for the emerging ecosystem of staking service providers. Together, we will lay the groundwork for a sustainable Proof-of-Stake validation ecosystem!

At the core of this partnership, we are working with Chrous One to offset their carbon footprint. Chorus One is all-too-conscious of the environmental impact that cryptonetworks has on our planet. As they often reference, empirical analysis shows that the Bitcoin network’s range of yearly carbon emissions currently lies between those of nation-states Bolivia and Portugal. In July 2019, Chorus One calculated an infrastructure carbon footprint of 72.69 tons — but through Regen Network, they expect to offset 200 tons of CO2.

Secondly, Chrous One has partnered with RND INC, the company building Regen Network, to provide dedicated validation service as a lead validator. Chrous One is assisting us to secure the network and lead the global validator community through the six-month-long process of testnets leading up to mainnet launch with a decentralized approach of network building. With Chrous One’s expertise and leadership, Regen Network will spearhead a smooth path towards the creation of the world’s first ecological claims, data distributed ledger, and smart contracting platform.

Last, Regen Network is ecstatic that the CEO of Chorus One, Brian Crain, is a lead investor in the Regen Network platform. Regen Network is so grateful that industry leaders like Brian are participating in our private token sale and parallels our beliefs that technology can be used in service to the planet in a positive manner.

We strive to collaborate with Chorus One to reduce the impact of operating distributed networks has on the Earth and to solidify the staking service providers ecosystem.

About Chorus One: Chorus One is a pioneering provider of blockchain infrastructure and staking services. The team is focused on offering non-custodial, secure, and user-friendly ways to participate in Proof-of-Stake networks.

About Regen Network: Regen Network is a global marketplace & contracting platform for Earth’s ecosystem assets, services, and data.



Regen Network
Regen Network

A blockchain network of ecological knowledge changing the economics of regenerative agriculture to reverse global warming.