COSMWASM Kontraŭa Testnet — Plan

Gregory Landua
Regen Network
Published in
6 min readMar 9, 2020
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

The COSMWASM Kontraŭa Testnet will be the first large public validator test of the COSMWASM module running on the Cosmos SDK. This is a ground breaking proof of stake implementation of a web assembly based smart contracting platform. In this testnet we will be executing smart contracts, and getting ready as a validator pool to participate in Game of Zones, to be able to execute cross chain contracts and transactions.

The focus of this testnet will continue to be testing and upgrading the capacity and capability of validators to manage the upgrades, governance and maintenance of the cosmos SDK based Regen Ledger blockchain. There are six phases to the upcoming Kontraŭa Testnet, and we expect this testnet to run from Genesis block march 13th until mid April (estimating the end date of the testnet to be April 17th)

We have worked with Ethan Frey of Confio as closely as possible to design this testnet in service to the entire community of builders hoping to use Cosmwasm for public blockchain projects.

The following plan was co-designed by Gregory Landua and AnilKumar Kammari with support from Joe Bowman of Chorus One and Chris Remus of Chainflow Validator.

Dates: 13th March — 17th Apr, 2020

Total Points to be allocated: 1100+

We will be announcing the previous points to token translation for testnets 1 and two the week of March 9th (date of this blog being published). For detailed about KYC/AML and who qualifies to receive token allocations for testnet performance read this


All phases will be proceeded with a detailed post in the Regen Dev Channel Telegram, which is 100% signal, zero chatter, focused on giving clear instructions and information for our validators.

Phase — 1: Get off the ground

We learned that it takes some time to assemble the genesis file, so this schedule gives Joe from Chorus One who is leading this part of the process time to generate the genesis file. We wont accept any NEW submissions after 0900 UTC. If there are submission issues the window between submission time and release time is to trouble shoot any issues. Please be available to fix issues if you’d like to be included in Genesis!

  1. Gentx submissions: 9th March 0900UTC — 12th March 0900 UTC
  2. Genesis release time: 12th March, 1600UTC (23 hours before genesis time)
  3. Network start time: 13th March, 1500UTC

Phase — 3: Ameliorate network (High-noon upgrade) 26th March, 1200UTC

  1. Upgrade Name: Himalaya
  2. Upgrade proposal : 23rd March, ~1200 UTC
  3. Binary release — 23rd March, ~1800 UTC
  4. Voting Period : 23rd — 25th March (Relative to proposal time)
  5. Upgrade time: 26th March, 1200UTC

Note: Instructions will be shared on 24th March, 1200UTC

Phase — 3.1: Skip upgrade (twilight drama) — 02 Apr, 1600UTC

There might be a case where the upgrade binaries will be available only after the proposal is Passed. What if something is wrong with the new binary? Skipping the upgrade is the best way to handle such cases so that validators can formally review the new binaries and ensure there is no malicious code (remember last testnet!)

  1. Upgrade proposal : 30 March, 1200 UTC
  2. Binary release — 31 March, 1600 UTC
  3. Voting Period : 30, March — 1 Apr
  4. Upgrade time: 02 Apr, 1600UTC

Note: Instructions will be shared on 1 Apr, 1200UTC

Phase — 4: Deploy contract — 2 (Escrow contract) — 7th Apr, 2100UTC — 9th Apr, 2100UTC

Escrow contracts are an important part of the functionality that Regen Network is building. Imagine being able to fund a contract for an outcome that only releases funds when certain conditions are met. Linking escrow contracts to satellite verification and registries of verifiers with reputation in the system allows funders to trust in the outcomes they are funding.

  1. Deploy escrow contract
  2. Execute escrow

Note: Instructions will be shared on 7 Apr, 1200UTC

Phase — 5: High skill time — 14 Apr, 0200UTC — 22 Apr, 0200 UTC (Bonus phase)

Leading up to this phase we will have a community call to explore creative opportunities for contracts for ecological agreements. This will generate a criteria for the design and deployment of custom contracts. For those brave enough to wade into the creation and deployment of a wasm smart contract, this should be a very fun testnet task.

  1. Custom contracts deployment based on a provided criteria
  2. Criteria & instructions will be shared on: 13 Apr, 2100UTC

Phase — 6: Silent blast. Expect chaos — 20th Apr 0900UTC — 24th Apr 0900 UTC

Intentionally keeping minimum information possible.

  1. Tolerate spam transactions
  2. DDoS attack

Note: Expect chaos

Incentive Program Point Allocation Details

Photo by Carlos Muza on Unsplash

Phase-1: 50+ points

  • Genesis Score: 50points
  • Gentx submission time: A total of 400 bonus points are shared for first 20 valid gentx submissions (non-edited). Edited gentx submissions are not eligible for this.
  • First 10–25 each
  • 11 to 20: 15 each

Phase-2: 250+ points

  • 100 points for successful deployment
  • 50 points for adding source url and build tag (Without special instruction docs)
  • 50 points for transfering contract tokens
  • 50 points for editing the contract to add any custom feature (send text message, request funds, approve fund request, data storage)
  • 100 bonus points for creating an allowance and use transferFrom to send tokens from a second address.
  • A total of 1000 bonus points are shared among first 20 validators to complete these tasks
  • First 5–100 each
  • 6 to 10 : 50 each
  • 11 to 20: 25 each

Phase-3: 100+ points

  • 25 points for casting vote
  • 25 points for tweeting about the proposal and vote (with why?) and putting a link to the tweet in the memo of a transaction.
  • 50 points for successful upgrade
  • A total of 1000 bonus points are shared among first 20 validators who upgrade their nodes (A periodic state dump is used to find out the winners)
  • First 200 points
  • 2 to 5: 75 points each
  • 6 to 10: 50 points each
  • 11 to 20: 25 points each

Phase-3.1: 100+ points

  • 25 points for casting vote
  • 25 points for tweeting about the proposal and vote (with why?)
  • 50 points for successful upgrade (skip)
  • A total of 1000 bonus points are shared among first 20 validators who upgrade their nodes (A periodic state dump is used to find out the winners)
  • First 200 points
  • 2 to 5: 75 points each
  • 6 to 10: 50 points each
  • 11 to 20: 25 points each

Phase-4: 100+ points

  • 50 points for successful deployment
  • 50 points for executing the escrow
  • A total of 1000 bonus points are shared among first 20 validators to complete these tasks
  • First 5–100 each
  • 6 to 10 : 50 each
  • 11 to 20: 25 each

Phase-5: 300+ points

  • 150 points for writing contract
  • 100 points for executing the contract
  • 50 points for executing transactions on other’s contracts (if needed external validators support)

Phase-6: 200+ points

  • 90–100% uptime will share 100 points. 90% uptime will get 0 points, 100% uptime shares 100 points. (Points distribution is linear mostly, more details coming soon)
  • 100 points if a validator never miss a block in the phase single block (highly available — highly secured)
  • Special bonus of 200 points each for performing and proving the attacks. The proved attack should take the specific/a group of validators down or create uptime issues.

Points to token rewards.

The Kontraŭa will have a pool of 250,000 tokens to be split proportionally across all validators who have gone through our KYC AML system and have scored points in the testnet. This is 25% of the original incentivized test net token allocation pool, which is 1,000,000 XRN tokens. In addition to receiving tokens, winners will be considered to receive token allocations from the foundation (5% of token supply), RND Inc (genesis company) of 7.5% of the token supply. All results are shared openly here. on the leaderboard that our friends at Vitwit created.


At each phase, there will be a special bonus of 100 points for each bug reported, malfunctioning the network. Top 5 active community supporters will receive a special bonus too. 50 bonus points for never jailed validators.

GITHUB and COMS details

You can find the github repo and full documentation here.

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Gregory Landua
Regen Network

Gregory Landua dwells humbly at the intersection of ecology, economics and technology.