Meet Regenie, your new Regen AI companion

Have questions about the protocol? Regenie is here to help you out!

Regen Network
Regen Network
2 min readOct 25, 2023


Meet your new, friendly Regen Network AI chatbot, affectionately named Regenie — and yes, that is short for Regen Genie. Regenie can help answer your questions about Regen Network, Regen Registry, Ledger and Marketplace. We trained Regenie specifically on Regen Network documentation using the same Large Language Model (LLM) as ChatGPT, the corpus of documents that Regenie studies are open source on Github.

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Want to help Regenie learn?

If Regenie is missing information, community members can create issues here to propose new content. We hope that by sharing the training data, Regenie feels like it belongs to and serves the community. Although LLM technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, it is not perfect and may not provide accurate answers even if it has good training data.

To build this version of Regenie, we have leveraged a chatbot service, which made it easy to train GPT 4 on our custom data. While this seems to work fairly well so far, it is not perfect. It has limited customization options and needs to be retrained manually every time there is new training data.

Before Regenie, we conducted AI and Machine Learning research with Bioform Labs on Active Inference Based modeling of ecological state, and on LLM systems for governance and decision-making with John Ash. John first created Ceres, a bot trained in the Regen Network Discord forum through Q&A.

You can find out more about the Ceres projects here:

There is ongoing community interest in continuing to build upon the work of Ceres to build a more advanced bot than Regenie. This is something that we and the community may explore in the future. Such an AI assistant might directly integrate with the Regen Network software to provide comprehensive support to for originating eco-credits.

We hope you find Regenie useful. If you have time to try it and want to share feedback, please do!

Start chatting with Regenie



Regen Network
Regen Network

A blockchain network of ecological knowledge changing the economics of regenerative agriculture to reverse global warming.