Regen Network Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool on Osmosis

A community-driven approach to price discovery

Regen Network
Regen Network
4 min readJun 18, 2021



Above all else, Regen Network has always been a community-led project and this upcoming Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool on Osmosis DEX continues in this tradition! The Regen Network community recently voted to enable transfers and IBC, which provide the building blocks for launching on a decentralized exchange (DEX). This exciting community initiative allows for price discovery and broader token distribution.

Why a LBP?

Core community member, Terra Genesis International (TGI) and other early investors are taking the initiative to create a liquidity bootstrapping event. See their blog post for details.

LBPs are perhaps the most innovative modern crypto mechanism for achieving price discovery, liquidity, and providing availability of tokens to a broader community. Regen Network Development, Inc. (RND) sees this event as a momentous opportunity to broaden participation in the governance of Regen Ledger, the world’s first public ecological ledger.

Liquidity Bootstrapping Price Movements from TGI

The initial price discovery on Osmosis will be held as a variation of a reverse dutch auction. This means there will be a long sales curve in which the highest price is at the start of the auction. This mechanism makes it essentially impossible for large token holders to try to corner the market and dump their tokens later. RND considers this approach a secure mechanism for achieving fair price discovery and broad token distribution.

Once a price has been established through this LBP, anyone can create trading pairs between REGEN and other Cosmos tokens on DEXs such as Osmosis and Gravity. This will improve the liquidity and market efficiency of the REGEN economy.

Community Driven

Despite the group of core community members having a strong desire to maintain their stake, they also realize that price discovery and broad distribution of REGEN tokens is enormously valuable. These early community members, as outlined in TGI’s announcement, have independently created a liquidity bootstrapping pool in order to form the first trading pair between REGEN and ATOM.

The Power of Inter Blockchain Communication (IBC)

With IBC enabled, Regen is just an IBC transaction from the Cosmos Hub, Akash, Persistence, Iris, Sentinel, and of course Osmosis. Chains that have signaled they will update and enabled IBC soon include Terra, Thorchain, and even Polygon.

This is a fantastic opportunity for distribution and public engagement in the governance of the Regen Ledger blockchain. RND has long thought that in order for a global ecological accounting system to work, it would need to be a censorship-resistant, public, and peer-to-peer network with broad distribution. This is the next step in achieving that vision!

LBP Event Details and Links

Regen Network Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool on Osmosis beginning June 23

Regen Networks LBP price discovery on Osmosis will begin on June 23rd, 2021, and end on June 28th, 2021. Thereafter, anyone interested in providing liquidity can join the pool. RND has created a landing page for this event at We highly recommend visiting this page and taking a look at the ‘Relevant Links’ section below.

Event Details

LBP Start Time

01:45 UTC — June 23 2021

LBP End Time

15:45 UTC — June 28 2021

Starting Liquidity

Between 600,000 and 1 Million Regen paired with 10,000 ATOMs

Starting Ratio


Final Ratio


Regen Price

Starting between $4–6 USD and gradually decreasing as described in the TGI LBP Announcement

Relevant Links

Thanks for taking the time to better understand the LBP on Osmosis! RND is extremely excited to take Regen Network to the next level with this liquidity bootstrapping event, bringing with it price discovery and broad token distribution.

Thank you to our community for your continued dedication to growing the Regen Network!

    The liquidity providers of the REGEN LBP initiated a new LBP that has parameters that they believe are more beneficial for the community; ending on a 50:50 weight so that we can slide right over to the ongoing 50:50 pool.



Regen Network
Regen Network

A blockchain network of ecological knowledge changing the economics of regenerative agriculture to reverse global warming.