$REGEN Network, Token and Impact: Which Strategies Would Work in Your Country?

Max Semenchuk
Regen Network
Published in
6 min readMar 2, 2024

Hey, dear engineers, eco-activists, and investors! It’s Max from the $REGEN Tokenomics working group. In this series of #tokenomics articles, we aim to explore the future of the $REGEN network and imagine the prospective role of the $REGEN token in it. In this 1st piece, we’ll discuss trends, scenarios, and the driving forces of change shaping the world. In the upcoming articles, we’ll focus on the investment, technical, and governance sides of the $REGEN tokenomics.

The ideas in this article do not represent the official position of any legal entity but rather intend to collect available sentiments from the community members. Please share and comment — your insights and participation are valuable as we navigate towards a sustainable and regenerative future. Also, join our group to participate in further discussion at https://regentokenomics.org/


Through a collaborative workshop with community leaders, we’ve managed to identify several scenarios for the Regen network environment: “Snowcrash”, “Ministry for the Future”, “CCP” and “EU”. Each of the scenarios provides different needs and opportunities, which is helpful for the strategy and action alignment across various network bodies. The bigger part of the group felt that the “Snowcrash” (cyberpunk) scenario best describes their reality and the smaller part was associated with the “EU”. While the desired future (Ministry) is shared among all, the strategies for achieving it would differ based on your worldview.

So the key change to be made is that we should prioritize economic community empowerment, in simpler words local ecologic communities should receive more funding (from the network or with its support). So far the economic contributions to communities are a small fraction of total network investments.

The further scale could be achieved with the development of web3+eco policies on the country level, e.g. municipalities using the Regen network in their work. This scenario seemed to the group too complex, slow, and unclear, but it could also be the only way for complex political systems like the EU.

The CCP scenario hasn’t received much attention, which might indicate that investments in the censorship-free and fully sovereign infrastructure are not at the forefront of the vision. Thus the share of funds dedicated for validation or tech maintenance could potentially be cut without the loss in the network’s value.

Finally, the Ministry for the Future provides an optimistic scenario, where moved by the ecological and social crises both the private and public sectors adopted new ways of handling the resources with supranational support and advanced technologies. While the results are still fictional, the method seems to inspire both technological and environmental specialists.

$REGEN Scenarios

Trend Analysis

Through a quick brainstorm, we’ve identified some trends, which both are very influential for our network's future and also unpredictable. Overall the discussed trends could be clustered in the next categories.

Digital Economy and Web3

  • Macroeconomic factors (inflation, cost of money, etc)
  • Crypto market state (especially ATOM, OSMO…)
  • Development of the Cosmos SDK and CosmWasm tooling (also compared to EVM)

Regulatory Frameworks

  • Crypto regulation
  • Influence of carbon and natural capital markets
  • Public funds such as IRA and USDA NRCS and their potential role

Organizational Factors

  • The network’s ability to raise funds
  • The level of empowered agency among $REGEN community members

Based on the trends analysis and creative brainstorming we’ve come up with these scenarios that provide glimpses into possible future worlds based on different metaphors, each with its implications and potential outcomes.

Scenario space for planning

Below you can find these scenarios described in a bit more detail, accompanied by an AI-generated meme from that potential world (hence strange language).


In a future world inspired by a cyberpunk classic book “Snowcrash”, society is dominated by powerful corporations and virtual reality technology. The boundaries between the physical and digital worlds are blurred, and individuals navigate a complex and interconnected network of information. This scenario envisions a world where technology has a profound impact on every aspect of human life, with both positive and negative consequences.

Ministry for the Future

Based on the book “Ministry for the Future,” this future scenario explores a world where governments and international organizations take bold actions to address climate change and global inequality. The focus is on sustainability, innovation, and collaborative efforts to create a better future for all. This scenario imagines a world where collective action and shared responsibility are prioritized to tackle pressing global challenges.


In a future scenario influenced by an authoritarian party like the CCP (Chinese Communist Party), power is centralized, and individual freedoms may be restricted. The government exerts tight control over various aspects of society, including politics, media, and social behavior. This scenario raises concerns about the balance between state control and individual liberties, as well as potential challenges to human rights and democracy.

European Union

In a future scenario inspired by the EU, countries come together to form a union based on shared values, cooperation, and the pursuit of common goals. This scenario emphasizes collaboration, cultural diversity, and the importance of democratic institutions. It envisions a world where nations work together to address regional and global issues while respecting the sovereignty of individual member states.

Driving Forces of Impact

Now that we understand the scenarios, let’s discuss how we could achieve the desired state of “Ministry for the Future” from the other scenarios.

Cultural Impact

(Snowcrash → Ministry)

In this case, the focus is on cultural transformation to empower communities and individuals to take action in the regeneration. Thus creating a vast and effective network of communities through:

  • Origination Development: Emphasising the creation and growth of innovative community-based projects
  • Network of diverse and empowered communities (e.g. csDAO Program): encourage community participation and decision-making through decentralized autonomous organizations
  • Publicity: Participation in conferences and events related to web3 technology and ecology. Shaping and promoting a narrative that highlights the benefits of cryptocurrency and its role in addressing climate challenges

Institutional Impact

(EU → Ministry)

This case focus is on the institutional aspects, particularly the European Union and its policies. However, it is important to note that this scenario adopts a more cautious approach towards cryptocurrency and its role in addressing climate issues. It involves the intersection of economics, web3 technology, carbon markets, and macro-level policies with:

  • Environmental Funding Analysis: Examining the allocation of funds for sustainability initiatives
  • Origination Verification: Exploring the verification process for community-based projects
  • Integration with Municipalities, UN, COP, WEF, IEEE: Considering the involvement of the international organizations in shaping policies and strategies. Incorporating new scientific research and expertise into decision-making processes

So we’ve explored potential visions for the future and the driving forces of change. As always trends we see are grounded in the past and these scenarios de facto already exist in different parts of the world. Now it’s our decision to choose our playgrounds and deal with them under shared terminology and understanding.

A bit on the methodology

We’ve used Foresight as a systematic, participatory, future intelligence gathering and medium-to-long-term vision-building process aimed at present decisions and mobilizing joint actions. The insights collected can be used in the context of tokenomics planning in the $REGEN community to anticipate potential future scenarios and develop strategies to navigate these scenarios effectively. This can involve identifying emerging trends, exploring how these trends might evolve, and understanding their potential implications for the $REGEN token and network. By doing so we can proactively shape the future, rather than merely reacting to external events.

On Oct 31 2023 during our regular Tokenomics calls we had a moment to discuss the trends and future scenarios for the $REGEN network. Below you can find that discussion and the main outcomes of it.



Max Semenchuk
Regen Network

Entrepreneur, Product Manager, UX. Research & Play with #Decentralization, #Holacracy, #Lean, #DAO. http://maxsemenchuk.com