Unlock Regenerative Finance with Regen Marketplace

Introducing Regen Marketplace, the place to buy, sell, and retire on-chain carbon and ecological assets.

Regen Network
Regen Network
5 min readOct 18, 2022


The issues facing voluntary carbon markets can be daunting, from high project development fees to questionable standards of quality. Enter Regen Marketplace, our answer to many of the toughest challenges of the carbon credit industry. With Regen Marketplace, anyone can now easily and transparently buy, sell, and retire on-chain carbon and other ecological assets.

Regen Marketplace helps solve many of the current system’s flaws by providing accessibility, transparency, quality credits, and low transaction fees, all on a community-governed infrastructure. Not only that, but Regen Marketplace is seamlessly integrated with our fully on-chain registry system for credit standards governance and issuance. This allows land stewards using regenerative practices to quickly and inexpensively bring innovative ecocredits to the global market, decentralizing the global movement to scale climate impact and meet the urgency of the climate crisis.

Making trustworthy on-chain carbon accessible to everyone

In 2020, we sold and retired over 120,000 CarbonPlus Grasslands credits to Microsoft on the Regen Network blockchain. Since then, we’ve partnered with fellow Cosmos blockchain protocols such as Osmosis, Stargaze, and Cheqd to become carbon-neutral. We developed Regen Marketplace as a public, open marketplace application to provide offsetting pathways so that anyone looking to take responsibility for their greenhouse gas emissions could do so on the Regen Network blockchain.

Individuals, businesses, and government entities alike striving to meet their climate commitment goals can now purchase, retire, and bundle tokenized carbon on the blockchain for carbon offsetting purposes. Whether you’re offsetting your carbon footprint or looking to trade ecocredits, Regen Marketplace is the place to buy, sell, and retire on-chain carbon and ecological assets.

Blockchain protocols are encouraged to package and export tokenized carbon for DeFi or use on climate impact apps. In doing so, participants are able to submit a personalized message about their climate impact as tokenized carbon is retired, creating an immutable data trail memorialized on the blockchain.

Introducing City Forest Credits Registry and the ecocredit portfolio

We’re incredibly excited to be partnering with City Forest Credits Registry (CFC) for Regen Marketplace’s launch, the US national standard for carbon emission reductions through urban forest preservation and carbon removal through urban tree canopy reforestation. Our goal is to help kick-start a market for urban forest carbon credits by tokenizing and listing the 2021 City Forest Credits portfolio on Regen Marketplace.

We’re proud to be featuring these urban forestry projects, which have a direct impact on more than 20 million Americans living in urban communities. The portfolio represents all verified city forest carbon across the US, is the largest urban forest carbon placement in history, and the first blockchain-based urban forestry portfolio.

Featured Ecocredits: Harvey Manning Park Expansion Preservation Project

The Harvey Manning Park Expansion Preservation Project, is a 15.14-acre site on a 33-acre property in the forested “Issaquah Alps”. The project protects the 100+ year old forest on Cougar Mountain from development and retains it as protected open space.

Located within Issaquah city limits and the regional urban growth boundary, the project site contains a mature forest, six streams, twelve wetlands, and 31.5 acres of upland habitat. The site also preserves critical wildlife corridors to other publicly held lands on Cougar Mountain.

How Regen Marketplace works

Ecocredits are issued onto the Regen Ledger blockchain according to the asset criteria designed in each Credit Class. Credit Classes are administered by Credit Administrators, who govern each ecocredit issuance criteria, and partner with Credit Issuers for the administration of Credit Issuance. This decentralized program governance model is instantiated natively on Regen Ledger, the home of web3 ecocredit issuance.

Ecocredits are designed and managed by a decentralized community of participants who utilize the Regen Network asset issuance tools. Scientific communities partner with Regen Network to design methodologies to monitor ecological change based on the implementation of regenerative management practices. These methodologies include instructions for collecting data and monitoring ecological change. Carbon project developers developing ecological restoration projects on the ground utilize these methodologies.

Ecocredits are issued according to the criteria set within each Credit Class on Regen Ledger. For example, CarbonPlus Grasslands ecocredits represent 1 ton of carbon sequestered in grasslands soils following the implementation of improved land management practices stipulated in the CarbonPlus Grasslands Credit Class methodology. These ecocredits are issued after every successful monitoring and verification round, to project developers and stewards.

Ecocredits are then listed for sale in the Regen Marketplace, and can be purchased by corporations and individuals who are interested in offsetting their carbon footprint and having a positive climate impact. This framework applies to all Credit Classes on Regen Ledger, regardless of land management activity or ecosystem type.

Start exploring Regen Marketplace

Ready to try out Regen Marketplace for yourself? Our Buyer’s Guide is designed to help make the process of buying, retiring, transferring, and selling ecocredits simple. There you’ll find easy to follow how-to guides and videos to get started.

Questions can be directed to our team via the “marketplace-support” Discord channel or our website contact for carbon credit buyers.

Unlocking Regenerative Finance

As Regen Network onboards other innovative Web3 climate partners like Moss.Earth, Open Earth Foundation, Earthbanc, ERA Brazil, Shamba Protocol, and Terra Genesis International, we hope to grow participation in the end-to-end lifecycle of seamlessly designing, tokenizing, and purchasing carbon credits to retire for climate impact.

Thank you to our incredible Regen Network community who contributed to the development of the Regen Marketplace ecosystem. To the 75 validators, 17,000+ wallet holders, and 42 major projects building on Regen Ledger, along with our community of scientists, engineers, land stewards, and project developers: you all make redefining climate finance possible.

That’s all for now! Stay tuned for more Regen Marketplace functionality and credit showcases coming soon! Until then, share your new offset on Twitter and tag @regen_network to share your experience with our community.



Regen Network
Regen Network

A blockchain network of ecological knowledge changing the economics of regenerative agriculture to reverse global warming.