Urban Forestry Part I: Protecting Mature Forests and Migratory Pathways

Exploring City Forest Credit’s Sandy Cross Forest Conservation project

Regen Network
Regen Network
5 min readJul 6, 2023


Preserving mature urban forests that are under development pressure offers a multitude of benefits for both the environment and the well-being of local communities. Firstly, these mature forests act as invaluable carbon sinks, absorbing and storing significant amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, thus helping mitigate the impacts of climate change. They also provide vital ecosystem services, such as improving air quality by filtering pollutants and releasing oxygen.

Moreover, mature urban forests play a crucial role in supporting migratory bird flyways. These forests serve as important stopover points and refueling stations for migratory birds during their long journeys. The dense canopy and diverse vegetation provide abundant food sources, nesting sites, and shelter for these birds. Preserving these forested areas ensures the continuity of these crucial migratory corridors, allowing birds to complete their journeys successfully and contributing to the preservation of global biodiversity.

Safeguarding mature urban forests from development pressure is essential for maintaining ecological balance, mitigating climate change, and preserving vital habitats for migratory birds. It is a proactive step towards building sustainable cities that prioritize the well-being of both human and non-human inhabitants.

City Forest Credits leading urban forest preservation in the United States

City Forest Credits is the national standard for greenhouse gas emission reduction and removal for tree projects in cities and towns. Developed by leading scientists, industry, and urban forest professionals, and recently endorsed by ICROA, the City Forest Credits define the set of requirements that tree preservation, afforestation, reforestation projects projects must follow in order to issue third-party verified carbon credits.

Nestled in the heart of Lexington, Ohio, the Sandy Cross Forest Preservation Project stands as a beacon of hope for conservationists and nature enthusiasts alike. The Sandy Cross Forest Preservation Project aligns with the City Forest Credit Standard, Version 2.0, ensuring the highest standards of verification and credibility. With its sprawling 132 acres of mature trees and diverse wildlife, this urban forest has become a vital sanctuary amidst a rapidly developing Midwest region.

“Unlike almost every other kind of carbon credit, these are credits that have a community impact. These are right where people live and breathe, recreate, work.” — Mark McPherson, Executive Director at City Forest Credits

Spearheaded by the Western Reserve Land Conservancy, this project not only safeguards the environment but also offers a myriad of community benefits. Let us delve into the significance of this endeavor and its lasting impact on both nature and the people of Northeast Ohio.

Creating Community by Conserving Crucial Migratory Flyways

The Sandy Cross Forest Preservation Project offers a range of benefits to the residents of Northeast Ohio, fostering equity and enhancing the well-being of underserved communities. By preventing industrial development within the project area, the mature forests safeguard air and water quality, as well as scenic landscapes, preserving the region’s charm and character. Additionally, this urban forest plays a vital role in mitigating flooding, thanks to its remarkable capacity for rainwater absorption and soil stabilization. Every year, a single large canopy tree can absorb hundreds of gallons of rainwater, providing a natural defense against erosion and promoting a healthier watershed.

The Sandy Cross Forest serves as a crucial migratory flyway, attracting neotropical migratory birds that rely on the abundance of deciduous trees in Northeast Ohio during their long journeys. The forested habitat offers essential stopover points for these birds, ensuring their successful migration. Moreover, surveys conducted within the project area have confirmed the presence of red-backed salamanders, a species known for its intolerance to pollutants. This finding underscores the exceptional quality of the Sandy Cross Forest and highlights the importance of preserving this pristine ecosystem.

Why purchase carbon credits on Regen Marketplace?

Support on-the-ground ecological regeneration projects by purchasing, trading, and retiring digital carbon and ecological credits backed by real-world climate impact. Regen Marketplace makes it easy to support Sandy Cross Forest Preservation Project and other innovative carbon and ecological credits. You have the flexibility to choose how you want to buy and retire credits for carbon offsetting purposes, whether through our concierge sales service or directly from the marketplace using cryptocurrency.

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