Take a Look! A Regenerative Global Economy is Emerging

Capital Institute
Regenerating Tottenville
2 min readJun 11, 2018

Take a close look and you will see it: the emergence of the Regenerative Economy is unstoppable, and it is happening all around us.

Against all the odds, and in these uncertain times, we see networks of individuals, enterprises, and projects self-organizing to regenerate our human communities and the natural systems upon which all life depends. The Field Guide tells the story and invites you to be part of the Regenerative Economy Movement.

Philadelphia’s Circle of Aunts and Uncles’ goal is to co-create, the “diverse, inclusive, and joyful community that we all want to live in.”

In Philadelphia, a group of 35 friends have come together to invest in relationship- and place-building by providing low-interest loans and a network of social capital to worthy, under-resourced entrepreneurs in their city.

In Oslo, a self-sustaining social enterprise connects the unharvested apples in the Nordre Aker neighborhood of Oslo with the underutilized skills, enthusiasm, and spirit of people with disabilities — and turns this combination into locally produced apple juice, the income from which provides wages to the disabled and supports the organic growth of the enterprise.

These on-the-ground efforts in Philadelphia, Oslo, and Tottenville, Staten Island, are just the tip of the iceberg. From Upstate New York and Wisconsin to the UK and Mexico, an economy is emerging naturally in response to the destructive pressures of an extractive capitalist system. This new movement manifests in the form of cooperative land trusts that secure public space for public use, worker-ownership models that distribute and keep wealth within a community, efforts to regenerate our soils and mitigate climate change, and much more.

Visit the Field Guide to explore these stories and more. Do you identify as a Regenerative Economy Movement builder? If so, please share your story with us.



Capital Institute
Regenerating Tottenville

We are searching for a new narrative that will illuminate how our economy and financial system can operate to promote regeneration.