Write For Us (Regenerative Finance)

Laura is writing....
Regenerative Finance
3 min readAug 30, 2021

Write about the ecology of money, regenerative finance and a global greener future

Photo by Matthew Payne on Unsplash

Hello and welcome to Regenerative Finance.

This is a new publication seeking to open up the conversation around truly investing sustainably, ethically, and for positive change. Business as usual is no longer an option, but what if we used money to regenerate the world?

For the last few years I’ve had a feeling of wanting to focus on the future, on doing more to propel business, culture, and my life in a direction I want to see the world going. I want to focus more on the good, on the potential, on the possibilities, rather than the negatives and this is why I started a publication called Regenerative Finance.

Topics of Interest I’d like to publish here:

I am seeking to curate the best content on Medium and I want to hear from writers who would like to explore the following topics:

  • Regenerative Finance & Regenerative Economics
  • Environmentalism, Ecology & Permaculture
  • Green Business, ESG funds & Redirecting Money
  • Climate Change, Sustainability & Sustainable Development
  • Regenerative Agriculture & Circular Economies
  • Similar topics you feel would be a good fit for the publication

Would you like to become a writer for Regenerative Finance?

Please clap and comment on this article with the following “Please add me as a writer.” I will reply to your comment once you’ve been added and once you receive the notification, you can then begin adding articles to the publication.

How to submit an article to a publication?

To submit to a publication you first need to be approved as a writer. Once you are added, then you will see the option to “submit to a publication” after clicking the three dots (…) at the top right. Choose Regenerative Finance and then submit. You will get a notification once the article has been added.

If you need more help, then you can check this How To article.

General Writing Guidelines:

  • Articles should be between 700 and 1400 words, but if you feel you can say what you need to in less or you’re exploring an idea in-depth please submit anyway.
  • Please cite and link any external research or expertise quoted or referenced.
  • Articles will be read for grammar and spelling, but please ensure your article is ready for publication before submission (Please double check your own work to avoid spelling errors).
  • Titles and the main image may be adjusted slightly to fit the overall aesthetic of the publication (please ensure images have a captions as to usage permissions — if in doubt you can use unsplash.com)

I can’t wait to read your submissions!



Laura is writing....
Regenerative Finance

Passionate about personal development, journalling, planning and goal setting. Founder of Giftofayear.com