Selling everything, moving across the continent and starting a farm with Will Kosloski

Neal Collins
Regenerative Real Estate
Oct 18, 2020
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Will and Terry Kosloski had made a home on Vancouver Island in British Columbia. They had a garden, were active outdoors, and stayed involved in the community. But they had a dream. A dream to get closer to the land — to connect, listen, restore and regenerate.

In this episode of The Regenerative Real Estate Podcast, Will recounts their story of selling their belongings and heading out on a road trip in search of a farm. They drove all the way to the opposite side of Canada, and ended up in a little place called Cape Breton in Nova Scotia - where the tip of the continent meets the Atlantic Ocean.

Will and Terry found a 74-acre parcel for $35,000, which had no infrastructure or buildings — just trees and a stream. They lived out of their travel trailer while they cleared a spot to build a cabin.

They bought highland cows, with pigs soon to follow. They built a vegetable bed, and started a farm stand not long after.

Now, three years after their cross-country journey, Will and his family are sharing the gifts of the land and teaching self-reliance at Twisted Roots Farm. To share their passion, Twisted Roots offers a 3-month internship to anyone interested in living and working on the land.

If this dream resonates with you, or you’re interested in farming, permaculture, homesteading, or living closer to nature, make sure you check out this inspiring episode.

*This story was originally featured on LATITUDE | Regenerative Real Estate’s Journal.

Images from Twisted Roots Farm



Neal Collins
Regenerative Real Estate

Co-founder of Latitude — a company that helps transform people’s lives and communities by incorporating sustainability into real estate.