Old Intelligence — by Abdullah Khadijah Ibrahim

Food Citizen
Regenerative Spiral
5 min readSep 4, 2022


Image credit:by bearfotos on Freepik

Elders with treasure troves of life experiences can tell us a lot about the Earth that we live in. 50 years ago, the world was a different place. The pace of life was slower and there were fewer people on Earth. Things have changed a lot since then. When we humble ourselves and approach our elders and see things from their point of view, we can discover a wealth of knowledge that we cannot get from books or any other resources. It is precious human resource that we have failed to uncover.

There is much that we can learn from the wisdom of our elders and benefit from the goodness of living a more meaningful existence. In many ways, because the world that our grandparents have learnt to live in was less advanced in speed and technology, they have developed ways to survive with less and more importantly, they can teach us to live in harmony with nature.

Human life is a cycle. In the beginning, we were birthed by our mothers, we live and in the end, we die in old age. As our cycle ends, new cycles of life begin with our children and their children. This forms the never-ending cycle of life as we know it. As wisdom and knowledge gets passed down from generation to generation, our human existence here on Earth becomes enriched with deeper meaning and we get closer to understanding the purpose of life. This illustrates the perfect plan for human progress.

However, the problem now comes when people trust themselves to look for answers from the internet more than they trust their parents or grandparents. The cycle is broken when guidance is sourced outside the circle of trust.

Why do we choose to listen to those we barely even know, when we can often seek help directly from our own family and relatives? Is it because we have separated from our roots while reaching for the skies? Maybe we have grown far and extended ourselves where our elders have not gone. What can they possibly tell us if they haven’t even been there before? These common thoughts are on the mind of many adults and youths.

As our world advances in Artificial Intelligence and technology, we can still reference old intelligence and ancient technology developed by our elders and adapt them for use in new ways or in various contexts for different results. Experienced individuals can inform us of how we can achieve our goals with less while maintaining balance with Nature. This is important as Nature continues to provide us with crucial resources for learning and growth. If we destroy Nature, we cut the very source of life that sustains us.

Human intelligence continuously brings forth new advancements in science and industry. Research and experimentation bring discoveries to benefit mankind. However, we must remember that true benefits can only be known through the test of time. Answers and solutions can be derived from trial and error. The whole endeavour is a process that requires patience and guidance from elders who are wise and virtuous.

Our parents and grandparents did not survive on concepts alone, and ideas were tested and worked on until they achieved satisfaction. These processes may be shortened with the use of modern technology or methods but we need to spend time looking into the thoughts behind those processes and why a particular tool was selected for the task or why a special method was chosen among the myriad of options available to resolve the matter at hand.

If every parent of every child and every grandparent taught what they knew to the generations after them, every family can find solutions specific to their own culture and situation that no one else, perhaps not even Google may know. Isn’t it more effective to gain knowledge from the ones who are closer to us and those who have far more experience in life? What is stopping us from exploring this path of possibility? Indeed it is time for us to lower our heads and humble our pride to ask the elders who know what we don’t know. This is when our hearts open to receive the light of truth and wisdom that can inform our decisions in time to come.

While we work on the outside, observing the goals that have to be met, we can also work on the inside and focus on those needs that require our attention. Both sides have to be balanced for us to maintain sustainable growth and overall well-being. Similarly, as we seek external resources for support, we can also choose to access the knowledge within each of our communities; knowledge that may not even be written in books but passed down from father to son, grandparent to grandchild through word of mouth. This nourishment from the inside strengthens us and keeps us grounded like the roots of a plant that establishes life.

Before we can see changes on the outside and stop the effects of disasters and climate change, we need to look at ourselves and change from the inside out. Like a tree that stretches out, reaching toward the heavens, it has roots that keep it firm and sustain its growth. Therefore, if we wish to survive the onslaught of challenges that threaten our very existence here on Earth, we need to go back to our roots and develop our immunity and strength. When our lives are secure and well, we can extend this goodness to all life that exists within our immediate environment. This includes the creatures under our feet, the plants and wildlife within our habitats, and the lives of migratory mammals that can spread life to the four corners of the Earth.

This article was originally published at https://medium.com/@abdullah.khadijah.ibrahim on September 4, 2022.

About the Writer

Abdullah Khadijah Ibrahim (Medium)

Khadijah is a window gardener, trained designer and full-time mum. She enjoys the great outdoors and is an avid cyclist and explorer. She has experience in solo backpacking and travels extensively to many countries to learn about history, geography and culture. Khadijah is a Chinese Muslim who reverted to Islam in 2017 and is currently based in sunny Singapore.



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Regenerative Spiral

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