What’s the workplace gonna be like now?

Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2020

People at work animation [sorry, you get some advertising for free]. Workplace at it’s best?

OK, the summer holidays are going on as we speak. We in Finland are already returning back to school and work, as the weather gets chillier (July is the holiday month in Finland).

We all got back to work this week. Met at the office on Monday. It was a great feeling, seeing everyone, having a sense of belonging, being a team. We had lunch together, discussed current topics on the rooftop in the sun, planned ahead. Tuesday we had the board meeting, went through the H2/2020 strategy, got ready for the upcoming challenges. Then went back to the office the next day. But how does it look like for the second wave? Pretty bad. The virus is smart and it seems it will work its way back to infect the masses. The world has changed so much so fast, and we presume this is only the beginning, beginning of the New Normal, which nobody knows of, yet. What we do know is that at the end of this blog there’s a special offer for you so keep reading!

Whatever it will be. How much can we define it…

This is the scary part, the uncertainty; what is going to happen, not only to our jobs, but to the economy as a whole, and of course to the people close to us. The virus is smart, but so is the human race, let’s see how this goes…

We at Rehaboo! are lucky. Our work is not very dependent on physical location and hardware, even if our game totems are still a big part of the story. We are lucky because we can operate “just fine” from remote locations, using Zoom. We are lucky because our product is nowadays totally “online”, meaning that our game does not require the bulky totem with a separate 3D Motion Sensing Camera. Now all you need is a laptop with an integrated camera (our totems also use just standard webcams these days, with AI and Cloud support). We are also lucky because we have our own game that we can play multiple times a day, challenge each other for activation while doing our work and between virtual meetings.

Here’s Radim from Zanitaz/Health Innovation Village. He’s good — and got this week’s best score. Again!

But it has been (and hopefully will be, if people just “behave” and try to reduce the spreading, and we can keep the schools and workplaces fully operative) great to hang out with physical objects, and people; eat lunch prepared by the Dylan office restaurant’s chef, throw remote (within visibility!) high-5’s at colleagues and other employees at Health Village, play several tough matches with them at the Rehaboo! Active showroom totem, have meetings where people don’t speak much on top of each other, and in general: Just be human.

Anyways, we just had a team meeting on Skype (good, old Skype that rings to the whole group:) and decided to have a full week in the office next week, as you never know when this fun of going to the workplace stops again. At least for those who can work remotely. Let’s see, at least our rules are from now on that everyone can work from where ever they want, and we are again ready to jump to remote the next day. How about your organization?


P.S. Naturally, this is CEO blogging, so I do have the foxtail as well. Wanna try out the Rehaboo! Active Exercise Game at your workplace — especially for the social belonging for those remote workers — let us know. Just tell us you read this blog post all the way to the end, and you get a two-month-long free game trial!

P.P.S: We also have the Mac version up&running — will be released within the next few weeks!

Play the Workplace Activity game at the office, at home, at the cafe. Yes, Mac version over AWS NVIDIA cloud AI.



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We develop an exercise game that gets you moving