Re-invent yourself with active games

Published in
4 min readJun 25, 2020

The path of game development evolves at the speed of light, introducing new interesting features into the game experience on many levels. The Internet connection enables people to play together in separate locations, all around the globe. Technology allows game designers to envision new types of gameplays and thereby, communication devices get a new purpose. Laptops can be so much more than a place to sit down in front of for work. Games in mobile phones can be connected with real-life gadgets equipped with sensors and AI, and this introduces a new layer into health, work, home, and education. The constant development of software and hardware, makes it difficult for game developers to choose, which features to deploy and bring to life in digital form. A new horizon for games is right ahead of us. It is time, to feed the little explorers inside of us and follow our intuition with purpose, to find the right way forward towards the unknown blue ocean.

3000-year-old Meso-American ball game

The world of gaming dates back to ancient human times. Games represent a form of social collaboration and interactive entertainment, that challenge the mind, enabling players to go beyond reality. The imagination. “Games capture the ideas and world views of their cultures and pass them on to the future generation. Games are important as cultural and social bonding events, as teaching tools, and as markers of social status. As pastimes of royalty and the elite, games became common features of court culture and were given as gifts. Games such as Senet and the Mesoamerican ball game were often imbued with mythic and ritual religious significance. Games like Gyan chauper and The Mansion of Happiness were used to teach spiritual and ethical lessons while Shatranj and Wéiqí (Go) were seen as a way to develop strategic thinking and mental skill by the political and military elite.” (Wikipedia)

Even though the blue unknown might frighten us, we must have faith in our new dream we envision, as we move forward at a really fast pace. This ongoing week has validated this belief for us. On Monday, we started our path with the mighty family of the HYPE accelerator. CEO Amir Raveh's opening keynote encouraged us to find a new way to leverage the business and create a true experience with purpose. Tomorrow, we are soft-launching the first version of our active game. Rehaboo! Active! is one of the 26 DISCOVER games in the 11th consecutive INDIGO game business event organized by Dutch Game Garden. Also, the fact that these games are launching on UTOMIK, the “Netflix for games”-platform, makes one feel that we really are on the verge of something new. It is time to get up from our assess and edge our minds away from the past to see, imagine, and build the future. Because, together, we can do this.

Almost like after a tough winter, the sprouts rise up to bloom in the beauty of Spring. Mother nature has given us a lesson and we must act upon it, not only by mastering our minds and opening global collaboration but also with the natural goodness from our hearts. We, as individuals, companies, communities, and societies are a part of nature. And everything we do must align with its purpose. Already when we dream about the unknown blue ocean with new waves of evolution with must remain true to sustainable decisions once building new normal. Profit must not be the sole matter of the business, the people, nature, and impact are the core leading us to healthier societies.

Humans have moved, done sports, and played games for ages. Now, we have a possibility to combine these two with our expertise in game development and computer vision AI. We have a chance to elevate the active gaming experience with individual skill assessment and analysis, to bring new knowledge to people with AI-powered research. We can go beyond this moment when we open our childlike minds filled with creativity and curiosity. In our analytically driven world, it is sometimes tough to believe in that intuitive prelude leading co-creative game development steering toward that blue ocean of unknown. In order to innovate and hack sustainable solutions for new normal, along with content, we must stay true to the best experience, existing knowledge to see it through with possibilities, what it can be.

It´s time. Welcome to cease your #licensetoplay for a new active game!

With Active regards,

Kirsi Ekberg & Robson Lindberg

Team Rehaboo

Example of computer vision AI detecting the move in real-life



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We develop an exercise game that gets you moving