Rehaboo! doctor’s orders

Published in
2 min readFeb 24, 2021

Our doc Hannes believes everybody should get up and be active, multiple times a day. We fight inactivity, here’s his universal prescription to you:

See the Doctor’s orders video on our FB page:

We are mammals with an intelligence that succeeds all other animals on earth. We have created things that are unbelievably complicated, like for example this computer that I am typing on right now or perhaps the phone you are reading this text from. We know how to use them, but most people don’t really understand how they work in detail, that is how complicated they are.

The speed of development is faster than ever, the amount of information we process every day is huge. Everything is becoming faster, more complicated and as I see it probably better for the human race in the whole. Of course there are problems as well but I believe that we can solve them little by little, like now we have vaccines for Covid-19 developed in only about a year. Never has anything like that been done before.

We should be proud of what the human being has done. But sometimes I feel that we lack some kind of respect for ourselves. I see a lot of my patients being sick just do to the lack of physical inactivity. We don’t give our bodies the time and attention they need. We easily focus on our intelligence but forget that we still are just mammals and have a daily need of exercise. I know we can all agree on this.

Playing Rehaboo!

Let us encourage each other to exercise, today, tomorrow and everyday. We owe that to ourselves, and we know it. Join the fight. Live longer, live happier. Doctor´s orders: fight inactivity!

By Hannes Relander, physician, Chief Medical Officer



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