5 Life Lessons From Robin Williams Characters

“Words and ideas can change the world.”

Reid Gan
A Rambling Gan


Photo by Reno Laithienne on Unsplash

Robin Williams was one of those actors that never let me down. And it wasn’t his unbelievable acting skills that got me. Don’t get me wrong, I think he was a fantastic actor, and he is famously known for diving deep into a character’s inner motives. But he wasn’t like some of the method actors today, and he certainly had his share of mediocre films.

But his most well-known films, I believe, are beloved for a reason.

Robin Williams embedded a little piece of himself into his best performances. It was when he played roles that fell more in line with who he really was that he resonated most.

I never met him, but I didn’t have to. I could just see the little twinkle in his eye when he was delivering a monologue that he really bought into. He had a real knack for reaching out of the television, putting both hands on your chest, and making you believe in both him and yourself. You got to know Robin through his acting, and that was more than enough.

As such, it’s only right that we take a look at some of Robin Williams’ characters’ best pieces of advice, because I think they were coming from him, too.

1. Aladdin: The Genie

“To be my own…

