Who Is Reid Gan?

About him, the guy in the title

Reid Gan
A Rambling Gan


Who is Reid Gan? A good question, honestly. And lately, your guess is probably about as good as his. Let’s take a crack at it from a couple of different angles.

A Not-So Formal Bio

Reid is a copy and content writer who is particularly fond of writing bios in the third person. He can write short sentences. He can also write lengthy sentences with crowd-pleasing semantic structure, in-depth irony — including adventurous em dashes and hyphenated adverbs — extensive verbiage and intentional omissions of the oxford comma. If he so chooses, Reid would even have you believe that someone else wrote his bio for him. He picked this photo out himself, mainly because his mother told him it was a good one.

A Slightly More Formal Bio

Reid is a versatile copy and content writer who specializes in SEO and web copy. As a well-versed technical writer, Reid produced over 200,000 words of all-original content for a wide range of clients over the past year. He utilizes his diverse skills to yield on-target messaging and generate a compelling, relatable brand voice on a variety of platforms. Reid thoroughly believes that good writing is about understanding people, and that one should never underestimate the serenity behind a perfectly made Old Fashioned.

