Update: The Survivor Support Pod for Reid Mihalko’s Accountability Process is Posting at the Following Location…

Reid Mihalko
Reid Mihalko’s Accountability Process
2 min readJul 29, 2018

For folks following along with my accountability process, I’d like to make sure you’re aware that the Survivor Support Pod has established a Medium.com publication. Updates and resources are being posted there. Please check out Survivor Support Pod for Reid Mihalko’s Accountability Process: History & Functioning and Survivor Support Pod for Reid Mihalko’s Accountability Process: Story Collection Overview and Analysis.

Rather than adding noise in your feeds by posting here each time the Survivor Support Pod publishes a future post, I encourage you to follow their channel or check back there from time to time.

I am directing you to the Survivor Support Pods posts for several reasons:

  1. My updates cannot give a complete picture of how many people are contributing to my process. Without the vital, group-effort contributions of both Pods and many others, this work would not be happening. If I am the only person you’re following in this process, you’re guaranteed to get an incomplete picture of what’s happening and I risk leaving people with the impression that accountability is a solitary process. It’s not. The work of accountability is a community-based journey. Reading the Survivor Support Pod’s posts paints a more complete picture that it takes a village to support accountability.
  2. The information being shared on the Survivor Support Pod channel is important in gaining a deeper understanding of what happened, what has been discovered, and what is happening moving forward. I invite you to read these to be more thoroughly informed on the harm that I did, and to understand the origins of the actions I’m taking to reduce future harms moving forward as I continue to unlearn the things that were and are invisible to me.
  3. It is important to recognize the work of those who’ve shown up and continue to show up throughout this process so they’re not erased or forgotten. I can’t state enough how much work, bravery, and effort has gone into (and continues to go into) helping me be held accountable and making myself and our community more aware, resilient, and safer for survivors. None of this process would have been possible without the two Pods, those who contributed in the FB comments, and the survivors/impacted people who came forward and contributed to the anonymous reporting. Let’s continue to recognize and thank them.

I hope you will read and share their posts where you think appropriate.

