Frustrated Writer Questioned in Kidnap Murders as Publisher Panics

When the writing bug bites — a cautionary tale

Patricia Jeanne
The RvR
Published in
3 min readAug 8, 2023


“The Scream” impressionist painting by Edvard Munch
“The Scream” by Edvard Munch. Source: Wikicommons

“Writing is easy. All you have to do is sit down at a typewriter and open a vein.” -Red Smith

The intern tried to clean and treat the woman’s bloody fingers. Torn nails and shredded tips indicated she’d used them to claw her way out of captivity. The patient squirmed as she furiously sought something to write with. Two seasoned detectives watching were stumped over the horrific violent crimes. Had she strangled them? A nearby broken wine bottle might be a clue.

Why is this victim so determined to write? Hector wondered. Obviously, she could talk, but her story was disjointed and came out all wrong.

Robert opened a notes app on his phone and offered it to the panicked woman. The patient’s gnarled thumbs flew as she typed, thought a moment, and then tried to use nearby scissors to scratch at the screen.

Editing, Hector thought.

The victims at the scene of violent carnage were muscular, capable, and determined kidnappers. A concrete bunker with chains bolted into the floor, food scraps and a sleeping bag were evidence of prolonged captivity.



Patricia Jeanne
The RvR

I write satire, tech-related, and personal essays. Interests include cybersecurity, tech use & Neuroscience. Lizzie Lizard Brain is my darker, funnier side.