L♦tt♦rs from m♦ heart

To the Board of Sweet Grace

Jaylee Reign
The RvR
Published in
6 min readSep 15, 2023


Distorted Views — Jaylee Reign, © 2023🌿

Grace’s Council — Open

One fine day a little dit of a field-mouse, so tiny and meek, an avid reader of letters came to a freeze; dry-iced to her fav’rite spot at Grace’s library. As her teeny wee heart echoed her beat, she got stuck in a motion-less world stuck in an emotion-filled peeve.

Perplexed, unable to move, fear struggling to breathe, she vexed, “No cause to alarm, but I feel in my heart something enormous’ a-fright, for my feet cannot scurry, my floorboards cannot whisker; no longer my words flow effulgent shimmery, bright…my tail can’t turn tales…alas, I’m unable to write!” What to dowhat to do’!

Mieces to pieces and still like a statue, like a megrim pain from a game of chess, little ditty field-mouse cradled her head; begged a lament: “Set me free O grace from shadows leery great depths, a solid storm mass that serves a fair weight upon my Ditty fair chest.”

Ditty FM tuned in to her red coated breast. Expelled an appeal; to feel a new beat of mellow emotion. “I beg, I beseech; no I scream to explore, some beast of a thing to be feared ever-more— stuck, in a motion-less void, I’m afraid poor sweet e is missing in action! By-pass the chance have you seen her pure vowel? Privy may…

