The Snowman Who Gave

And Gave … and Gave … and Gave

John Hansen
The RvR
Published in
2 min readSep 30, 2023


Drawing by Author J. Hansen

The Snowman stands smartly dressed
In a waistcoat, scarf and gloves,
A top hat sits upon his head,
A carrot is his nose.

A fine red fox came passing by,
“Hello Snowman,” he says.
“That is a lovely hat you have
Upon your snowy head,”

“Please, take it, my dear friend Fox,”
The Snowman says and smiles.
“I don’t really need a hat,
You may have it for a while.”

Next a Rabbit hops along and says,
“I love your carrot nose.”
The Snowman said, “Please take it.
You are hungry I suppose.”

An Owl flew down from a tree
Saying, “How d-o-o you d-o-o?
I love the waistcoat that you wear.
It’s cold this winter t-o-o.”

“Please take it,” said the Snowman,
“I really am quite warm.”
The Owl thanks him and flies away,
Before the next snowstorm.



John Hansen
The RvR

Freelancer, poet, and short fiction writer, who loves experimenting with different styles and genres. Writing is in my soul and it won't leave!