Celebrations and New Beginnings

Akron’s civic commons 2021 in pictures


Relaxing during Skate Night at Cascade Plaza in Downtown Akron. Image Credit: Cory Kistow, 2021.

The past year has served to reconfirm the importance of a robust, nature-rich public realm that is welcoming to all. From health and wellbeing to environmental and economic resiliency, our parks, trails, libraries and community centers are critical civic infrastructure that provide multi-faceted benefits for communities. Today, the third in our series of photo essays reflecting on public space efforts in cities across the country, features the civic commons work in Akron, Ohio.

Enjoying the return of in-person concerts for the Ohio & Erie Canal Park Summer Concert series. Image Credit: Tim Fitzwater, 2021.

Ohio & Erie Canal Park Concerts

In-person concerts returned to Ohio & Erie Canal Park in 2021. After having virtual concerts last year, the concert series returned with nine in-person performances. Coordinated by Alpha Phi Alpha Homes, this free admission event helps to bring together neighbors by breaking down barriers to create shared spaces within the park for gathering and greater understanding of one another.

Celebrating the opening of the Summit Lake Nature Center and Mayor Horrigan announcing additional funding from the City of Akron for the Summit Lake Vision Plan. Top image courtesy of Summit Lake Metro Parks and bottom image credit: Tim Fitzwater, 2021.

Announcements and Openings at Summit Lake

The Summit Lake Nature Center had a grand opening in July. The facility is the former Summit Lake Pump House building. The Nature Center, which was created with input from the community, highlights the area’s people, history and natural resources. The decision to transform the building came after the success of the pop-up nature center prototype inside the Reach Opportunity Center that was a part of the original Reimagining the Civic Commons grant.

In November, an announcement was made by the City of Akron to commit an additional $2 million dollars to transform the Summit Lake Northshore to a place for canoeing, gathering, and more with the needs and desires of Summit Lake residents at the forefront.

“Residents like Saulsberry say they see the plan as truly for and by people who’ve stayed near Summit Lake for decades, enduring urban renewal projects that cut them off from economic opportunity and private disinvestment that’s led to more demolitions and empty lots than there are standing houses on some streets.” — Doug Livingston, Akron Beacon Journal

Akron Pride Festival and Juneteeth celebrations in Downtown Akron. Image courtesy of Downtown Akron Partnership. Image credits: Tim Fitzwater, Ashton Blake, and Garrick Black, 2021.

Festivals Celebrated in Downtown Akron

Downtown Akron hosted a variety of festivals in 2021. New this year, the Akron Pride Festival moved to Downtown Akron in August. Akron Pride Festival is an open celebration of music, entertainment and information focused on promoting equality and inclusion of all people.

Exciting Juneteenth celebrations were held across the city, including in Downtown Akron, on June 19. Celebrating the commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States.

Recreation opportunities abound on the Ohio & Erie Canalway, from bicycling and canoeing to Canal Cleanups. Image credits: Tim Fitzwater, 2021.

Staying Active Along the Ohio & Erie Canalway

Familiar programing returned to the Ohio & Erie Canalway. Bicycling and canoeing have increased as popular recreation activities in the warmer months. Environmental stewardship continues to be an important part of our work, with Canal Cleanups occurring regularly between March and October. Returning for a second year, the Summit Lake Youth Ambassadors program consists of local youth who work on projects such as mulching, litter pick up, building raised flower beds and painting projects.

Dancing, skating, and farmers’ markets are highlights of in-person activities that returned in 2021 to Downtown Akron, Ohio & Erie Canal Park and Summit Lake. Image courtesy of Downtown Akron Partnership. Image credits: Tim Fitzwater.

Enjoying Life in the Commons

After spending months inside during the winter and ongoing pandemic, in-person activities were back in Downtown Akron, Ohio & Erie Canal Park and Summit Lake. A variety of activities were hosted, including well attended Skate Nights, line dancing, yoga and farmers’ markets.

Reimagining the Civic Commons is a collaboration of The JPB Foundation, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, The Kresge Foundation, William Penn Foundation, and local partners.

