Diego Villarroel
4 min readDec 12, 2018


PBP Trademark Image (by Talia Smith)

The Problem:

The demonization of a “biased journalist” causes distrust and alienation of journalists, resulting in a disconnect between the reporter and the public. The main issue we are trying to solve is how to get journalists to be able to voice their own opinions, be their own people, and to be active and just without being demonized and scrutinized by the public, so that we are essentially redefinining “objectivity” in journalism to prioritize a different set of values. In this sense, we work to rehumanize journalists.

The Big Idea:

A video series in which writers of articles are interviewed about the actual process of writing a certain article. The viewer would hear why the writer made the choices they made as well as see earlier drafts of the story. Readers of the story could also submit questions they have on the process of writing a particular article.

Mockup Image of the Interview process

Statement of Change:

Through this video series entitled “People Behind the Pen,” we would work to create a “roadmap” style interview with different journalists from different platforms around the United States. Through these interviews, we would humanize journalists by providing personal and background information, then move into finding out why and how these writers create their pieces and how their personal voices/views might be implemented into their stories. We would include first draft examples, the editing process, and making their journalistic routine as transparent as possible so that it can be presented to the public. This would work to form a stronger relationship between writer and reader, and prove that journalists are not just reporters — they are people.

Video Example:


Examples / Case Studies we used to spark our ideas

Half the Sky Documentary — Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn

“There are times journalists should become the story”

Dennis Trainor Case

“Roadmap” of the benefits:

The “People Behind the Pen” or “PBP” video series would work to open up a space for journalists to write how they would like to, while informing the readers of their pieces on why they make those kinds of choices in their writing. By starting with personal information, we work to humanize the journalist, then move into their professional life as supplementary to their personhood.

This series would be geared towards the public, specifically those who consume news most often, and seek to provide readers with the reasoning behind writing. By showing earlier drafts, previous edits, and the conversations between writer and editor the audience will have a better understanding of the human process that happens behind the scenes of their favorite news outlets.

Outtakes / Original Ideas:

Developing an app that splits up each divide on stories and perspectives, then joins those outlooks together on collaborative pieces for readers to explore.This could involve political topics being presented from different angles, cultural stories from different perspectives, and bring in the lives and emotions of writers to then be presented to readers as so.

Developing a website that is presented to the public through Twitter where readers choose what kind of perspective they want to see. They are encouraged to engage with the writers of each piece, see their personal profile and background, and ask screened questions approved by the website.

Overall, our video series seemed to be the best option.


Menghan Zhu, Talia Smith, Eliana Flores-Barber, David Craighead, Diego Villarroel

