Sustainability of Cloud Design as Open Data

Shintaro Hara
reindeer project
Published in
2 min readJul 23, 2018

New economic sector for the sustainability of open data.

“Close-up of a woman floating on her back in azure water” by Haley Phelps on Unsplash

“Open source maintainers are exhausted and rarely paid. A new generation wants to change the economics.”
Danny Crichton Open source sustainability TechCrunch

Many open source creators and maintainers support this world through volunteer activities that are based on their own individual convictions and ideals. Now that these activities have come to underlie current principle technologies, however, it is certainly inevitable that the sustainability of their role will be threatened without any support to counter the weight of their responsibilities.

And if cloud design is handled as open data, as with open source, its creator will not be able to find direct commercial value in the design itself that they have made public.

To sustain the activities of creators and support the continuous circulation of cloud designs, it may be necessary to create a new kind of economic sector that deals with something more than the simple business transactions of buying and selling design using legal tender.

Accordingly, we at reindeer project are proposing a token mechanism on the blockchain like that described below.

1: Distribute unique tokens, which can also be called a certain kind of unilateral compensation, to providers of cloud design.

2: Through this, the more actively productive excellent creators are, the more tokens they will hold.

3: Then, creators will be able to use these tokens when they exchange each kind of labor or ideas among themselves for further productive activities.

In this way, the incredibly large economic sector that creators hold in potential, a talent sharing market, will open up.

Distinct from commercial motives mediated by currency, this is a new economic sector of productive activity itself. We believe this can allow the coexistence of the circulation of open data in the form of cloud design and support activities towards creators.

