Derya Demir Uluçay Shares Responsibilities of Being a Reinforcer

Reinforcers of Kordsa
Reinforcers of Kordsa
1 min readJul 8, 2020

“Kordsa is where I took my first drawing classes, my first basketball classes…”

Discover the story of a natural born Reinforcer, Derya Demir Uluçay, who knows Kordsa culture from her childhood.

Kordsa contributes to lightweighting tires to save fuel which has a significant impact on my life, I must say.”

Derya Demir Uluçay tells how Kordsa touches her daily life by producing more sustainable products

“Each of us are, in fact, communication soldiers acting behind the scenes.”

Derya Demir Uluçay tells about the importance of communication skills in developing the products and production processes for our customers.

“Kordsa products should answer the necessities of our customers. My job is to ensure the quality of our products to reach the customer satisfaction. In order to do this, I have to know my product and my customer very well. And make agile and attentive decisions.”

Written by Derya Demir Uluçay,

Technical Engineer

