Giacomo Dal Busco, our Composite Technologies Sales Manager, shares his reinforcing story!

Reinforcers of Kordsa
Reinforcers of Kordsa
1 min readJul 9, 2020

“I am a Reinforcer, because I am curious!” Discover how Giacomo Dal Busco, who is interested in lighter vehicles with higher performance, became a Reinforcer.

“Mobility is our main focus on reinforcing the life and the future.” Take a look at the reinforcing story of Giacomo Dal Busco.

“Composite prepreg can changes our life because in the future there are a lot of companies will produce electrical car.”

A reinforcing story from Giacomo Dal Busco, who works to realize Kordsa’s technologies that reinforce life.

“The use of composite materials in vehicles improves the environment in many ways. Composite materials enables our customers to produce much more lighter vehicles, which helps reducing the fuel consumption”

Written by Giacomo Dal Busco

Composite Technologies Sales Manager

