Mobility: How the Future Unfolds

Reinforcers of Kordsa
Reinforcers of Kordsa
2 min readDec 8, 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic is accelerating trends such as artificial intelligence, predictive analysis, edge computing, mobility and autonomous vehicles.

In the webinar moderated by the chief editor of Harvard Business Review Serdar Turan, Mehmet Başer, McKinsey&Company Partner, and Kordsa’s CEO Ali Çalışkan discusses electric and autonomous vehicles, connectivity and shared economy in the post-pandemic period. Ali Çalışkan explains how resilient companies do better in tough times.

How has the pandemic changed the mobility trends?

McKinsey&Company Partner, Mehmet Başer emphasizes that measures implemented throughout Europe and Asia especially in China have cushioned the EV markets. Başer expects a decrease in investment for autonomous vehicles due to the economic crisis while the changes brought by the pandemic would reinforce connectivity. Başer explains how the global pandemic has become a stress test for the sharing economy and how startups are experiencing a great challenge and take real measures.

KORDSA: “Business resilience in tough times”

Kordsa’s CEO Ali Çalışkan explains how their far-sighted “Inspired, we reinforce life” vision helps them to adapt to a changing world in three business areas they operate throughout the world.

Diversity helps Kordsa to chart its way through uncertainty as people from different cultures, backgrounds and experiences learn from each other. Kordsa’s digital transformation program speeding up their digital innovation and transformation for the last 3 years is a key asset during pandemic. And its strong global supply chain enables the Company to provide its customers with the services they need during pandemic.

Kordsa’s strength to strive during pandemic was also managing cash flow as well as ensuring a close and transparent communication with its customers and preserving the strong bonds to get through tough times.

Mobility Trends and How Kordsa Contributes

Çalışkan indicates the main concern of mobility, regardless of the pandemic, is developing sustainable technologies that reduce fuel usage and hence carbon emission. In an effort to reach this goal, the tire industry focuses on reducing the rolling resistance while the composite industry focuses on lightening the vehicles, as is the case for Kordsa.

In this regard, Ali Çalışkan explains how Kordsa’s co-created green dipping technology with Continental, replacing a century old standard dip system.

Ali Çalışkan also points out Kordsa’s ongoing efforts in the composites field both at Kordsa’s US based companies which are the critical supplier of aerospace industry and at its Composite Technologies Center of Excellence, which is an exemplary model bringing academia and industry together.

While going after sustainable technologies in the composites, tire and construction industries Kordsa also seeks for new opportunities in the promising next generation materials such as thin film and flexible electronics.

Watch a summary of the webinar here:

