Collective Evolution through Individual Transformation by Roman Hanis and Cynthia Robinson

Jamaica Stevens
7 min readDec 15, 2019

Excerpt from “ReInhabiting the Village: CoCreating our Future”

“Paititi,” in Quechua (Andean indigenous language), is an enlightened realm manifested through the awakening of our shared human heart. The vision for our work was born through the highest aspiration we could imagine for humanity and mother earth. We believe that through the awakened spirit of the individual comes the greatest potential for the transformation of the planet. The Paititi Institute for the Preservation of Ecology and Indigenous Culture is committed to embodying this paradigm shift and demonstrating what is possible through ordinary human efforts, in service to Mother Nature and the infinite human potential.

Through all of our programs, we dedicate our efforts to supporting a society of deep, nurturing and true values. We serve as an intercultural bridge, supporting individuals and communities to live activated, responsible and joyful lives in harmony with both inner and outer landscapes. As humans, we are inexorably linked to the earth and each other. As part of this magnificent symbiotic organism, we are dedicated to co-creating the enlightened world we all have in our hearts.


The health and well-being of each individual, our communities and the global environment are interdependent and therefore it is essential that our efforts to create a harmonious life encompass a full spectrum of aspects which all support each other, including:

• Conserving and restoring the Earth’s natural resources

• Preserving and integrating indigenous wisdom and culture into modern life in practical & skillful ways

• Cultivating health through natural, holistic approaches — integration of both traditional indigenous healing methods supported by modern science and technology

• Embodying true stewardship via eco-regenerative, community living

• Understanding consciousness and engaging in personal cognitive evolution and self-realization

In modern society we often look at ancestral cultures and label them as primitive, however in many ways these cultures were far more advanced than we give them credit for. Ancestral cultures carry the cumulative wisdom of humanity and through practical application of ancient wisdom within the modern world, we can build bridges for the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing of all people from all cultures and from many spiritual traditions and walks of life. In this natural way, we channel the healing and rejuvenation of the planet herself. Using holistic models based upon our points of focus listed above, we can engage as a community to improve social and environmental life via spiritual evolution and maturation on the collective and individual levels. We utilize the planetary wisdom of humanity to become fully conscious and responsible human beings in service to the shared heart of all humanity.

Intercultural Bridges

Today the modern mindset comes from a much different perspective than that of the indigenous ancestors from around the world who had a deep intuitive understanding of their interconnection to each other and nature. These cultures, who lived in deep connection with nature both internally and externally, realized deep states of interdependence with all life. They understood how life energy flows and how to work harmoniously within these flows.

In today’s society there exists a conditioning of separation from everything and everyone else. This sense of separation seems to be the root of all of today’s problems. Yet, even with all the conditioning accumulated today, we live in very fortunate times. There is a profound and unprecedented opportunity to access the collective wisdom of all of humanity and utilize it to benefit our global society and eco-systems around the world.

Restoration of profound human values so pertinent to ancestral traditions from around the world in a practical and non dogmatic way is the cornerstone to the regeneration of inner and outer landscapes of life on this earth. Through the formation of intercultural bridges at our Institute we make sure that these ancient insights into the very nature of existence are not only maintained in the

modern world as mere exponents in a museum but are practical and dynamic core-fusion elements of a paradigm shift in the global emergence of evolutionary consciousness.

This groundbreaking rediscovery of skillful means and cumulative millennial wisdom from around the world unravels the highest creative potential geared towards individual and communal well-being in a balanced and regenerative relationship with the ecology of the planet. The transformation of consciousness within oneself and resolution of inner conflicts inevitably leads towards healing of the organism as a reciprocate conduit of positive change in the world.

Building a Sanctuary for Humanity

Our programs involve an interwoven fabric of Permaculture projects geared towards ecological preservation, restoration and regeneration, research and implementation of the indigenous healing modalities as well as sacred and medicinal plants

that are inherent in these cultures, natural medical campaigns for the native populations and international patients, consciousness transformation retreats and awareness raising global tours. These projects are all developed as a part of the shared heart vision towards a healthy and a viable example of an intentional, sustainable and a thriving community based on healthy, purposeful and joyful way of life in harmony with nature.

The Institute has been working on a 100 acre land in the lower Amazonian basin in Peru since the year 2009 both as a base for working with indigenous natural healing and transformation as well as an example of reforestation and restoration of degraded landscapes, a research facility for organic food production, and creation of fertile soil for the impoverished native population.

As of mid 2014, we at Paititi Institute with deep reverence and honor embrace our role as guardians and stewards of a pristine and virgin forest 4000 acres in the Mapacho Valley of the Peruvian Andes bordering the Manu National Reserve and area which is a key watershed for the Amazon rainforest. The land is intended for preservation and protection against exploitation by the mining and logging companies that threaten this still pristine buffer zone of the virgin rainforest in which some of the last un-contacted indigenous tribes still exist.

This sacred land is a sanctuary for self-realization, transformation and evolution. Through this land we are reawakening our interconnected and interdependent relationship with all life and are taking the steps daily to build an example of a harmonious, nurturing and regenerative community.

Our continuous focus is to form deeper relationships with like-hearted people, communities and organizations in a way that is synergistic and complementary. We look forward to the most optimal manifestation of evolution within our current human society towards the luminous network of intentional communities around the globe geared towards bio-diverse productivity of abundant well-being and natural lifestyle.

Cynthia Robinson

Working in the corporate world of New York City led Cynthia to discover a more profound passion to support herself and others in establishing deeper connection to nature, ancestral values and unlocking our highest potential as human beings. She traded in the corporate boardrooms for a life in Peru where she co-founded the Paititi Institute.

At Paititi, Cynthia works to create a platform that practically applies ancient wisdom to our modern world, building intercultural bridges for healing on physical, emotional and spiritual levels for all people from all cultures and all spiritual traditions. She currently works to develop and facilitate holistic experiential education models, weaving together our inner and outer landscapes through nature awareness, Permaculture education, health education and Indigenous Ando-Amaonian teachings and practices integrated with ancestral wisdom from around the planet.

Additionally, Cynthia is currently in the process of being initiated into Indigenous Amazonian and Andean healing practices to become a medicine woman, carrying on this ancient lineage of healing wisdom.


Roman Hanis

Roman is dedicated to the study and implementation of the many deep transformative healing methods that have been in use for thousands of years, paying special focus to the construction of intercultural bridges between Amazonian, Andean & Tibetan spiritual traditions. Using these very traditions, Roman was fortunate enough to be cured of a terminal, genetic illness in 2001. The non-conceptual universal essence of these tools and the wisdom behind them are being integrated into western culture by Roman through his daily healing practices, aimed at providing maximum benefit and the profound re-emergence of ancestral values in our modern world.

In 2004, Roman was pledged as a healer-curandero by the Whitoto and Yahua tribes and has served the international community as a medicine man ever since. He is also a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner in Peru, studying under the director of the Open International Institute of Oriental Medicine, Myriam Hacker, in Iquitos, Peru. Additionally practicing physical trauma rehabilitation, medical massage therapy and Eastern bodywork, having earned his degree from New York’s Swedish Institute of Health. With these tools and concentrated efforts, he has helped numerous individuals overcome many health issues on physical, mental and spiritual levels.



Jamaica Stevens

Educator, Social Architect, Consultant, Community Designer, Author & Co-Curator of the multi-media project "ReInhabiting the Village: CoCreating our Future".