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REINNO: January Update

Natalia Shirshova
Published in
3 min readJan 29, 2020


As you might know, REINNO provides real estate tokenization and lending solutions to property owners and investors. Our products bring liquidity, flexibility and efficiency in no time with zero paperwork.

What have we been up to lately?

  • Tokenized a real estate fund worth $105 million.
  • Partnered with ADAX, a fully-regulated exchange platform.
  • Won Startup World Cup regionals.
  • Expanded our global sales team.
  • Made a parody of the song Bad Guy by Billie Eilish and turned it into a real estate tokenization anthem.
  • Our CEO Viktor Viktorov appeared in a few industry-recognized publications and shared his insight on blockchain and entrepreneurship.

Tokenizing a Real Estate Fund
REINNO tokenized REI Capital Growth (REICG) — a commercial real estate fund worth $105 million. REICG security tokens are digital financial securities backed by cash-flowing commercial properties. The tokens represent fractional ownership of the fund and are available for both U.S. and international investors.

Partnering with ADAX
REINNO has partnered with ADAX to offer our clients the opportunity to list tokenized real estate and benefit from the secondary market. ADAX is a licensed security token exchange. This partnership allows REINNO to further boost liquidity of tokenized real estate, already ensured by its lending and crowdfunding services.

Startup World Cup
Hooray, REINNO won Startup World Cup regionals! The competition will continue in San Francisco in May. See you there!

Team Growth
Over the last couple of months REINNO expanded its global team by hiring account managers and sales representatives in such countries as U.S., U.K., Russia and Nigeria. These highly motivated, energetic people will help our clients navigate through REINNO’s product portfolio and make the most out of our services.

Tokenization Anthem (Billie Eilish Parody)
To celebrate the beginning of the new decade, REINNO made a parody of one of the biggest hits of 2019 — Bad Guy by Billie Eilish. Now the “tough guy” is a real estate investor with a profitable property while the protagonist goes from “that bad type, make your mama sad type” to “that tech type, make it super fast type”. It’s a one-minute masterpiece that guarantees to put a smile on your face. Watch it here.

Blockchain, entrepreneurship and resilience
REINNO’s CEO Viktor Viktorov consistently receives media attention and appears in respected publications. Recently he spoke about the hardships of entrepreneurship and how playing tennis as a kid helped him to develop resilience. He also shared his views about the future of blockchain with Decrypt.

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Natalia Shirshova

Co-founder and CMO, REINNO. Writing about fintech, commercial real estate, investing, mortgages, and blockchain.