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REINNO: May Update

Natalia Shirshova
Published in
3 min readJun 17, 2020


REINNO is your one-stop shop for commercial real estate tokenization, investment and liquidity.

What have we been up to lately?

  • Appeared on Investment Perspectives.
  • Received positive feedback from the Ripple community.
  • Had an interview with Security Token Market.
  • Adjusted our product line.
  • Hosted our first webinar.
  • We are planning to host the second webinar. Vote on the next topic!

Appearing on Investment Perspectives

REINNO’s CBO and co-founder Barry Moniês was featured in Investment Perspectives with Bard Kimes and David Vallieres. They talked about digital ownership, smart contracts, the future of title companies and real estate agents, and more. Barry’s presentation received positive feedback from Mr. B XRP who said that it was “the best interview [Brad] has ever had”.

Cryptopolis and Digital Asset Investor

REINNO was featured in the videos by Cryptopolis and Digital Asset Investor. David from Cryptopolis called REINNO an “amazing project”. He also pointed out that our model is based on the new legal framework for digital asset ownership and security tokens created by the SEC. Digital Asset Investor said: “The reason this company caught my attention is because all the companies… help you tokenize your real estate or whatever that is, and then you are kind of on your own. This is different because they take it two steps further [with the marketplace and lending].”

Security Token Market

Security Token Market published an interview with Viktor Viktorov, REINNO’s CEO. He answered questions about our marketplace for tokenized real estate, the types of properties we tokenize, who can invest on our platform, liquidity, and more. Read what Viktor has to say here. “Everyone can learn a thing or two from his courageousness and of course, from his interview too!” as STM puts it.

Suspending Interest-Earning Services

REINNO discontinued its Interest-Earning service as of May 1, 2020. This move is based on the company’s strategic decision to concentrate on its core services related to commercial real estate — tokenization, lending and marketplace. This will not affect the users who have already transferred DAI and started earning — they will still receive interest at the end of the earning period. They also have an option to withdraw their DAI at any moment until the end of the term. However, it will not be possible to start a new Earn Interest deal.

Hosting a Webinar

We hosted our first webinar dedicated to CRE tokenization, lending and liquidity with our very own co-founders as the speakers and marketing manager as the host. They discussed who can benefit from tokenization and how to achieve liquidity during the holding period. Barry and Viktor also answered questions from the audience, such as how to determine the value of a token, who can invest in tokenized real estate and how quickly can someone receive cash when using tokens as loan collateral. If you missed the webinar, the video is available here.

Help us decide on the next webinar topic. Should we cover the technical side of the tokenization or have an interview with one of our clients? You decide!

Vote on the next topic!

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Natalia Shirshova

Co-founder and CMO, REINNO. Writing about fintech, commercial real estate, investing, mortgages, and blockchain.