Social Distancing is not the Solution

You stay safe when you are physically separated by at least six feet

Debra Lobel
Reinvent Your Life


Photo by Simon Matzinger on Unsplash

The government and media keep stressing that we must observe social Distancing. That’s not true. We must physically distance ourselves from others, at least by six feet, during the COVID-19 crisis. But it is imperative to connect socially. It is a proven fact that human beings are social creatures and must interact with other people for positive mental health and emotional happiness. Thankfully, we live in a time when we can virtually connect with others in our lives, including neighbors, friends, family, and co-workers. We can even have conversations with people we don’t know and haven’t met in person, possibly making new friends.

I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. We began sheltering in place (SIP) on March 16th, a few days before California was put on SIP. On March 17th, the streets were empty. Stores were shuttered with signs saying they’ll be back in (physical) business when allowed to inform potential shoppers how to support them virtually online. Restaurants offered carryout and delivery. Parking was plentiful and free. By now, everyone understands how long six feet is. Even young children know how far to stay away from anyone other than the people in their homes.



Debra Lobel
Reinvent Your Life

Author, writer, experienced in legacy and modern technology, and dedicated family caregiver