Reinvent Yourself
Re-Invent Yourself
Published in
4 min readJun 15, 2017

Hey Re-inventors!

So today is the start of series of articles. A series where I start doing everything that I have been putting off for a long time.


THIS IS NOT an adventurous story where I go for scuba diving or sky diving or climb the everest.

This may seem boring to you, but it will be my journey from being a hard working person to being the hardest working person.

It will show you all what all does it take to really grind!

Now let me start by mentioning some of the things that I have been putting off :

→ Not making a an effort to wake up on time (I usually wake up 20–30 minutes late). I sleep for 6–7 hours on an average

→ Skipping my abs and stretching session often, after my workout

→ Wasting sometime after I have my lunch (it may be watching TV or surfing through the internet for 15–20 minutes)

→ Not truly making use of each and every moment of the day

So these are some of the things that I want to correct in my life.

Guys frankly speaking, I have been working hard. But I really want to be the hardest working person on planet earth!

And this is why I started this series. This will give a realistic view of what the grind may actually mean.

Besides that it will also keep me on track

I assure you guys that I will be completely honest and vulnerable. If I waste time, I would tell you honestly because I am not perfect, I never can be perfect and I am just trying to pursue excellence.

My ultimate aim is to motivate at least one of you by sharing my story. And If I can do that, I’ll be extremely happy.


Since sometime I have been feeling certain amount of dissatisfaction with what I am doing these days. I know that I was working on what I love but I also knew that somewhere down the line I have been wasting time.

It may be 10 minutes here and 5 minutes there. But when we sum it all at the end of the day, it becomes 1 hour (or more) in total!

And I do not like that. I have always known, that to be successful, I really need to have an exceptional work ethic. The fact that I don’t have it now, leads me to thinking that I will have to live an average lifestyle which scares the shit out of me!

I think that as entrepreneurship has become the new trend, things like hustle and grind are now known to everyone and most of the people do not know what it means. People think that working 8 hours for 5 days a week is hustle but it’s more than that. I think that it is everyday and goes on forever.

I feel uncomfortable explaining my friends about this. Because when I tell them that I wake up at 4:30 or 5 in the morning, they will always be like “Why do you wake up so early on a holiday?” or “What do you do by waking up so early?” I do not know how to explain these things to them, because I feel that they would not understand. That is the reason most of my friends (except one or two) do not know what all I am doing. You guys probably know more than them!

Being that said, let’s begin this series and I’ll see you on Day 1 !!

