Reinvent Yourself
Re-Invent Yourself
Published in
3 min readMay 27, 2017


Acceptance is the first step towards success.

For that you need to raise your Mindset.

🔥🔥 Whaddup Re-Inventers 🔥🔥

Remember those times when you kept on arguing with your mother , that you weren’t wrong.

She kept on telling you that the way you were doing things wasn’t right.

But you always thought that , she doesn’t understand your mindset.

However , most of the times when the incident she warned you about happens with you

You realise who was right and who wasn’t.

Here Comes the power of ACCEPTANCE.

Initially when you argued with your mother

Your Human Ego Came into place , which in no case was going to accept that you were wrong.

Because EGO is such a shitty thing , It can make the most intelligent people not worthy of success.

Because you Know Why?

When We Have our EGO in front of us:

  1. We Do Not Accept That We Lost
  2. We are not ready to listen Criticism.
  3. We are not able to know people’s opinions
  4. Because we look down upon others , we do not find them worthy of a discussion. Due to which we miss out on true and honest opinions.
  5. People Love You In Front Of You , There is a Completely different story behind your Back.
  6. We Have Friends , However very Few are true to us.
  7. You will be able to lead through force , but never through everyone’s consent. You will not be able to become a likeable leader.
  8. You’ll never be able to win in the long term , because even the smallest of losses are hard to accept for you.
  9. You’ll always feel that you are Right , Due to which you’ll never be able to correct your mistakes.
  10. Your Success is Temporary , because if you are in EGO of it , You’ll not be able to use what you have earned wisely.

So possibly I have listed down almost 10 situations that no one would like to be in.

And the root of all such situations , is Non-Acceptance which comes due to your Ego.

Non-Acceptance can be for





Because you know why , these things do not satisfy your ego when you listen it from someone else’s mouth.

You would love to have a mindset like they have , but just because it is them who is telling that you are wrong,

Your Ego Gets Hurt.

Which is the Reason Behind Non-Acceptance.

Why You need to avoid such a mindset is Because ,

If you have an Ego that Crushes others ideas , One Day your Ego Will only be the one that will Crush you.

When you will enter the world you will realise that not everyone succumbs to your domination

And there are people out there even more dominant and powerful than you ,

So when you enter the world , it’s a harsh reality but this time you have no option but to accept it ,

Because you might suppress the opinions of two people if you have an EGO ,

However the world has thousands of people who are not afraid of you and they will criticise you openly and then only you shall be the one in the lurch.

Basically why to wait for such a disaster?

Earn and Learn from People’s opinions

Not everyone might be pleasing but if you have true mindset to listen , you will get some really valuable opinions.

But for such ideals, you need to raise your mindset and please just please


Come over the fact that you’d have to listen to someone you don’t want to listen to

Sometimes even the most critical people can provide the most valuable points,

So just Stay Calm , Get Away With Your Ego , And Listen.


