Reinvent Yourself
Re-Invent Yourself
Published in
4 min readApr 25, 2017


All the people irritated or frustrated in life need to do this one simple thing.

It’s been only a few hours since the day started and we start to feel irritated , WHY ?

Hey There Re-Inventers!!

Before we move forward with today’s topic ,

I need all of you reading this to first note down on a paper at most 10 things that you feel are problematic in your life or things you want to remove from your life.


When you are over with completing this list only then continue further.

So , we hope you have completed this list and you might have things ranging from money related problems to problems you think are stopping you from achieving your goals.

The moment your day starts , you start thinking about these problems because they are coming in your way and it’s natural to worry about them.

Consequently , we do not get a good start to our day and we get irritated even by the smallest of inconveniences.

Ultimately the question is Why do we get so irritated?

Because probably we have been taking the weight of so many things around us that even thinking about them is draining us enough to make us feel frustrated.

On an average you tolerate upto 100 things a time — just imagine if each of those weighed a 20 kg or pounds and you are carrying them on your backpack everyday !!

Shit !! That’s 2000 kg or pounds you’re carrying around every day.

That’s a shit load amount of crap to get anyone frustrated.

So just calm down , talk to yourself and say that you have carried a’lot NOW IT’S TIME TO DE-CLUTTER!!

After reading all this we hope you are convinced that there are a shit load amount of things that are draining you that stop you from what you want and ultimately which lead to the 10 problems we asked you to list above.

From an hour of traffic , to a messy room ,

From a bad date , to a scolding from your boss

These things surely put you down as these are physical , mental and emotional clutter in your life .

They hold you back and drain your energy at a’lot of levels.

As a result you already have so much cluttered in your backpack that you literally forget about the chances of trying something new.

So it’s really necessary to de-clutter to remove the frustration we have been talking about —

For that , follow these simple steps

  1. List down five things or events that happen in your routine that you feel are draining you or worsening your mood .
  2. These can range from areas like work , home or relationships.
  3. Be really specific with what you are noting down as it’s really important to actually know what you want to de-clutter.

Now after you have noted these things ask yourselves these 2 questions :

“ Are these things actually that bad that they can worsen my mood for the whole day?”

“If i remove these or stop thinking about these will it result in solving even one of the 10 problems I listed down initially?”

If the answer to even one of those 5 things is yes immediately stop doing it or even if it happens stop thinking about it .

The sense of happiness you’ll receive when you know that a small thing that drained you , removed one of the major problems in your life will be great and will surely motivate you to cut off these draining things even more.

Once you eliminate such drainers you’ll start to notice how much more time you have , to adopt new things in life.

The game actually here is to play with your psychology because when you even get rid of one of the problems you’ll feel happier and less irritated, Do not undermine the small problems you have been facing because removing even one of them will result in a’lot of change.

You start with one and once you see how such small de-cluttering can change you — you will surely go for more .

Just start once , do what we said to remove frustration and you shall take one more easy step to Re-Invent Yourself.


