Reinvent Yourself
Re-Invent Yourself
Published in
4 min readMay 18, 2017

Hey Re-inventors.

Today I want to talk about something which is a huge hindrance to our success and productivity.

It drains our energy, makes us irritated and negative and then we lose our passion to work towards whatever we want to achieve.

Yes guys, it’s the BURNOUT

What is a burnout?

Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands. As the stress continues, you begin to lose the interest or motivation that led you to take on a certain role in the first place.

Burnouts are quite interesting to me because it makes a passionate and motivated person, lose all motivation to work.

We try to maximize the results by maximizing the hours we put in due to which burnout occurs and then we have no option but to take a HUGE break to overcome it.

Thus, although we run away from taking breaks in the first place, we have to finally take a huge break.

Now we clearly know that burnout is not a good phase to be in.

The million-dollar question is:

How can one avoid burnout?

1. Realize it’s natural:

The first and foremost step is to realize that a burnout is natural. Even people who are much successful than you may face a burnout and that is OKAY. When does a person ‘burn out’, differs from person to person.

You have to realize that you have your own limits as to how much you can take. Pushing your limits will help you grow but pushing these limits excessively can lead to a burnout

You should not think that just because you are going through this phase, you are less motivated/passionate or less likely to succeed than others.

2. Change it up:

The next thing you can do is to change up your routine. This is applicable to anything; whether you talk about exercise or work.

By doing the same workouts again and again and by following the same schedule again and again at work, we may get exhausted and bored. Thus, change up your routine.

The other thing to change is your environment. For example if your table/desk is messed up, clear and organize it properly or if you are bored working at one place, you can go and work at a coffee shop (or simply in another room!)

3. Take regular breaks :

Do not wait for the burnout situation to arise to take breaks. Burnouts have a huge effect on your peace of mind and thus you should take breaks regularly rather than taxing yourself and then regret taking a huge break (As I mentioned earlier)

4. Sleep:

If you feel you are burned out, then just go to sleep. Catch up your sleep if you are sleep deprived and wake up feeling fresh to kiss the world.

5. Leave electronics:

There is always some message dropping in your phone even when you are not working which can take away from your rest time. Thus it is advisable to checkout effectively and come back when you are full of energy.

I also recommend you to do this on daily basis so that you can complete your tasks (by blocking out time) or relax without being disturbed.


The main thing that you should take away from this article is that working non-stop may not be the best strategy to work. It may seem really good to boast that you’re working continuously for weeks but realize that things like breaks and sleep are key to energy.

Have your own breaks and escapism strategies to rejuvenate!

“It’s not the hours you put in but the work you put in those hours that counts” — Peter Voogd

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