Reinvent Yourself
Re-Invent Yourself
Published in
4 min readMay 7, 2017



You spent a’lot on your college education , hoping you’ll be settled after getting a degree from a top college : ARE YOU ACTUALLY THERE?

What’s Up Re-Inventers!

What I am going to talk about today is a topic that is generally a hot topic for discussion in any teenager’s or college goers life.

From your parents to your far away relatives , suddenly when you complete your undergraduation or bachelors programme everybody is discussing about no one else but you.

You can hear your parents taking advice from the most random people around you — even your neighbours now are known with you and your interests.

Suddenly the world starts to decide where you should go further in life without even asking you.

Quite an interesting experience (LoL) …….

Well this is quite a common situation most of us have faced ,

Everybody is deciding your career path —

Some say Postgraduation or Masters Programme

Some say to join your father’s existing business

Some say to get a job

While some say just because they want to say .

Well , you should realise how much the world is concerned about you.

After all you are the topic of their every discussion.

But deep inside no matter how much people tell you , you yourself are not sure what you want to do, simply because you put so much work into getting good grades , you literally forgot to try something new.

And the main point is —

You expected to get good job offers or good business opportunities after you put so much hard-work into getting good grades and a thorough understanding of your studies.

But you are standing in a position completely contrary to where you thought.

You have no companies coming to you , you are facing rejections in on-campus recruitments , things are clearly not going as you expected.

At this moment of time even you are confused about what to do , but we are there to help you out —

  1. Don’t run for your domain.

Most of the students in college , wait for a company that would be of their field . In that case they generally have to wait a’lot and miss out on many opportunities .

What will you do if a company of your domain gives you a job but at a very low package and the companies which came earlier had offered more salaries than that.

It’s really important to enter the market to get experience , even if you leave the job within a few months , at least you earned experience and got acquainted with the way jobs are done in the market.

Because sadly , you were never taught in your textbooks how the general market behaves. You learned marketing theories and strategies and what not — but when you apply them in the real world you realize how the current situation is far away from those in the textbooks.

2. Don’t Fear Rejection

You’ll apply for jobs and you’ll not be rejected just once but much more than that. If you are not applying because you feel you will get rejected , there is no more foolish thing than that , Because you didn’t even try.

Obviously , jobs do not come to you knocking at the door or as easy as you expected so it doesn’t mean that you bow down .

As you are the one with grades but there may be many around you with lower grades but more experience

And it’s a fact that a company has to train everyone for the new job so why would they take more efforts to employ someone like you , who knows nothing about how you’ll actually work — over someone who has more experience. It’s simple logic.

So just get into the process and do not stop.

3. Even when in college , try to do something new.

What will you do of those grades if you simply do not like what you do?

You are one in many who are still not aware about their life-goal or interests after graduation — but now if you want to stand apart you need to explore.

I have seen many students who spend huge sums to do engineering , but after their course completion they are not even aware of important skills like coding and programming.

Simply because it wasn’t a part of their college curriculum.

So do not restrict yourselves to those textbooks , give yourself time to go out and see what skills you would be interested in learning, it could be anything technical or non-technical.

But at least when you go out and explore , the biggest benefit to you is that you start to know what works and what doesn’t in this world.

You gain experience of talking to people and you also start discovering your interests and you realize how the situations outside are actually so different than the ones we have been reading about for years.

So Re-Inventors , stop thinking too much about others advice and start to discover yourself ,

Even if you score good marks , but do not have a sense of work culture or working day and night , you might be selected earlier but in the future neither you will enjoy your job nor your employer will get what he/she expected from you.

So build a principle to learn work culture , be it in any field , as if you have the sense of working hard towards your passion you’ll get success for sure , Just hang on!


