How I Beat Procrastination in 30 Seconds

Reinvent Yourself
Re-Invent Yourself
Published in
2 min readJul 17, 2017


This has to do a lot with science and the structure of your brain.

Your brain has a part called the Limbic System. It is largely responsible for regulating emotions and motivations such as fear, anger, hunger, sexual behaviour and learning and memory.

Your brain also has another part known as the Prefrontal Cortex which is more “rational” and is responsible for your goals and ambitions. I’m not a science-geek, so watch this to know more:

In her TED Talk, Lara Boyd mentioned about neuroplasticity which refers to the ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections, especially in response to learning or experience or following injury.

In simple terms, you can change your brain (and thus your behaviors) through consistent action. That really fascinated me and I wanted to dig deep.

After a few minutes of surfing the web, I found that we can actually strengthen our prefrontal cortex so that it can defeat our limbic system and help us take rational decisions like doing stuff that matters instead of getting distracted.


Well, to many people’s disappointment, the answer is mindful meditation.

We all have heard a lot by meditation and some of us have tried to do it too (and failed). Studies show that mindful meditation reduces the responses from the Limbic System and it transfers more grey matter into the Prefrontal Cortex, thereby strengthening it.

But you maybe getting distracted a lot of time during the day and you cannot sit to meditate every time you get distracted.

I had to find a quick fix to this.

What I did was close my eyes for 30 seconds and then imagine the grey matter transferring to the prefrontal cortex.

I imagined all the energy in my body transferring to my brain. I imagined myself fighting the devil of distraction (literally, with a sword in my hand) and defeating him (The Limbic system).

Apart from the 15 second fight, I re-iterate and remind myself of the reward that I will get if I complete my task on time (More satisfaction, more time for family etc.). That really helps me to connect with my goals and ambitions, when they are hidden behind the clouds of distractions.

That for me is the quickest way to beat procrastination and conditioning my mind slowly (as proven by neuroplasticity) to make more rational decisions that will help me prosper in life.

NOW GO! Beat the heck out of procrastination 🔝

