Reinvent Yourself
Re-Invent Yourself
Published in
6 min readMay 22, 2017


How Successful People, CREATE TIME.

Completing work on time , is surely a huge task. Ain’t it ?

🔥Hey There Re-Inventers!🔥

Looks like you were again given a task to do something , and in the middle you decided to have a look at your smartphone ,

And now the world of internet mixes you in such loops that you end up nowhere , but searching about how to complete your work.

Kinda Funny.

The internet and smartphone world is definitely a funny place , you start from somewhere but end up at place completely different.

Kudos to all the content creators , because they put up such titles on their posts be it on Instagram , Facebook , YouTube , Twitter , Snapchat etc.

They are bound to create some amount of curiosity in you ,

You’ll end up searching weird things on the internet and then after an hour when you realise where you have ended up ,

You’ll hate yourself for not doing the task you were given to.

This is quite a summary of any human’s life today , be it in any part of the world.

We waste our time day in and day out , but when deadline strikes we hate ourselves for being the person we are.

See if you dream to do something big , Procrastination is probably the biggest roadblock

And to move over Procrastination you need to have Passion for what you are doing.

If it doesn’t kick you up , you’ll do it out of force one day or the other , but you will not experience the same success someone else with Passion is Achieving.

But many of us are not given too many Choices in life , either Destiny shapes our world that way or the people around us leave us with only one option.

Having Passion for such kind of work is rare, but most people do it , out of the fear of any consequences they might have to face.

But even then people like you and me can create time in those tasks to have a look at our device and then cry about not doing our work at night.

Now if you want to get over such shit , you need to sort it out NOW .

If you feel that you are too busy in the day ,You are probably lying ,

If the deadline was near you , you would even pull an all-nighter to do your work.

But because the deadline’s far away we obviously are too far away from hardwork also.

True shit , Right?

In such a scenario , I would advise you to CREATE TIME , rather than cribbing about having less ,

I have listed out a few areas , where we tend to spend more time than what is required , these things are a part of our daily routine but we allow them to take over our precious time —

So it’s time to know them and kick them out -

1.An Extra Hour Of Sleep.

When we wake up in the morning , All of us want that tad bit of sleep , which we feel will rejuvenate us.


Your Body is adjusted in such a way , that when you naturally wake up , it’s​ already an alarm for you

Every single minute you spend on your bed after that is nothing but laziness .

If you feel you have less time , add an extra hour or two by waking up early.

If you wake up at 10 try waking up at 8 or 9 AM

If you wake up at 9 try waking up at 8 or 7 AM

And if you can wake up at 6 there’s nothing better than that.

Most importantly if you hit your work in the morning only , you’ll see how you’ll be able to do it in much lesser time!

Rather you’ll actually have some free time by the end of the day.

Because as the day passes you have many more distractions — so naturally it takes more time . But in the morning it’s just you and your task.

So Get Up and Hit It !

2.The Smartphone.

Our Smartphone is one of the basic reasons why we end up wasting alot of our time.

We take a short break which unknowingly ends up in hour long break as we get so immersed into social media .

So whenever you are doing your work try to either switch off your phone or put it on aeroplane mode and set an alarm for about 1 hour.

When the alarm rings you stop your work.

And basically when you know you have stop in an hour , you’ll automatically gather the motivation because you know you’ll get a break after that.

Also I would highly recommend to download Apps like

Quality Time , App Detox , through which you can restrict Yourself from touching your phone and when you work just start these apps and they will not let you touch your phone again.

Use your phone , but productively​.

3.Huge Tasks.

When the size of the task is huge , we end up delaying it to the next day.

This is the story with most of us — because our ass kicks only when the deadline comes.

So to overcome this , just have a mindset to start once.

Suppose you have to make 500 page thesis , don’t delay it thinking you’ll write 20 pages tomorrow.

Just ask yourself to write just a single page today,and after that you may even leave it for today .

Because what this does is that —

When you start once , your mind sets to the task of working , and because you know if you write more you’ll have less burden later ,

You sometimes even end up writing 2 pages instead of 1 or even more.

And when the next day comes , your mind again knows that you have to work at that moment and it automatically sets the mood.

So just Start once.

4.Time In the Washroom

Well this might just seem very tiny ,but we don’t realise that after the Smartphone has entered our lives how much more time we have started to spend in a WASHROOM

Studies suggest that an average person spends almost two years of his life in a WASHROOM with an average person visiting almost 5–6 times a day.

Of course I am not asking you to stop shitting around ( See the Pun 😂)

But please don’t take your smartphone with you.

You will realise how much more time you will start to save.

Do it now , Thank Me Later!

5. Thinking Tooooooooooo Much.

Most of us start measuring pros and cons of a task even before we do it.

All of that is nothing , but an excuse of our lazy mindset to find an easy way out.

We start measuring pros and cons and mostly end up justifying to ourselves in such a way that actually not doing that work is beneficial for us.

Poor mind , it will always find an easy way out.

But you don’t have to,

Even if the task seems difficult , line it up in progressions

Taking on small steps one after the other , conquering each step every single day.

Keep on doing it and you’ll definitely see results.

So all of this kind of sums it up for today.

Now stop reading this , because if you have come to the end

You have probably spent too much time.

Still — Good Job , For not skipping to the end ,

You have learnt something valuable !

Now Stop and GO WORKKKKK!!!!


