Reinvent Yourself
Re-Invent Yourself
Published in
5 min readJun 3, 2017

Hey Re-inventors!

From the moment we were born, we have been hearing lot about discipline. When we go to the school, the first and the foremost thing that they teach us is to be more disciplined.

Despite of our parents and teachers telling us that we should be disciplined and organized, we never used to pay heed to those words as a kid. We always used to think that these virtues are boring and act as a restriction to our exciting childhood life.

I remember my parents telling me, “You’ll know what I’m talking about when you grow up and if you do not develop discipline then you’ll suffer!”

Thinking about that today, I do realize that discipline is an important part of success in any field or career.

Having said that, I myself have struggled a lot with discipline. Whether it is study, sports, working out or anything else, I lacked discipline.

Slowly and gradually I have developed my self discipline. However, I am not perfect and nobody will ever be, I just know that I am better than yesterday


The image pretty much sums everything. I became disciplined because I want to achieve something in life. I do have goals and I want results. For results, one has to work hard and for that you need to be disciplined.

With that being said, let’s jump right into things that helped me become a hero form zero when it comes to discipline:


Visualization is the first step towards achievement of goals and objectives

You need to visualize your goal daily, Visualize not only the end goal but visualize working towards your goal on a daily basis. Visualization will create a desire to achieve which will then create a desire to work.

2. Eat the frog:

This is one of the most important tips for increasing discipline, efficiency and productivity.

What this means is that you do your most important task of the day first. Work on this task in the morning and do not stop until this task is complete.

But it is easier said than done. For this you need to prioritize form the innumerable tasks that you have to do during the day. I have a fix for that;

Ask yourself this question : “If I could only do one task today, what will it be?”

When you have your answer you know exactly what you have to do. Thus do the most important task first and the less important ones afterwards so that you do not miss out on the important ones and feel more fulfilled.

OKAY< MAYBE not like that!

3. The 10 minute rule:

The 10 minute rule says that if you do not feel like doing a task, do it only for 10 minutes.

What is the reason behind it? Often times the man reason behind procrastination is thinking too much.

The more you think about the task, the less likely you are to do it

Instead of thinking, just start doing the task for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes you will gain some momentum which will help you to do the task for 30 minutes, 1 hour or even more!

4. Remove temptations:

In order to be disciplined you do not have to get distracted again and again. But when the phone is buzzing and ringing continuously with messages/calls, it is difficult to avoid them.

It is easy to pick up your phone and start scrolling through Instagram or Facebook and without even realizing, you may waste 15 minutes or even more.

Temptation may not necessarily be a phone; it can be TV, a magazine, or just tinkering with parts of a pen!

So, as far as possible. keep these distractions away from your work place and see your results skyrocket.

5. Own the morning:

The day begins with a morning and the morning is the most important part of the day. If the morning is in control, it gives you a sense of accomplishment and sets you up for an awesome day.

For this purpose, you need to have a morning routine. I have mentioned this in another article which you can find here.

For me, I have to wake up at 4:45 in the morning, eat a fruit, read news and then head to the gym. By the time the world wakes up I have already exercised and am ready to work!

This gives me an awesome feeling. But, on days like yesterday, when my alarm failed, I slept in and I felt frustrated the whole day :(

Find a morning routine which excites you and makes you happy. It may be journaling, drinking coffee, working out, going for a walk etc. Just find what’s right for you and enjoy the morning!

These were the five tips that have helped me be disciplined day in and day out

I would absolutely love to hear your morning routine and your discipline tips down in the comments!

Also click on that green little heart to show some love so that people having the same problem can see this article!


