Reinvent Yourself
Re-Invent Yourself
Published in
4 min readMay 22, 2017

Hey Re-inventors!

Today’s topic is a little bit different that has been going through my mind a lot these days and that is how did one know, in business and in life, what he/she has to do when facing a particular situation, when there was no internet or anything else?

What is absolutely common these days is that when we face a problem we turn to Google or tutorials on YouTube right?

And there is no need to worry because there is nothing wrong in it, even I have done this for a long period of time.

But when it came to topics like communication or people skills or relationships, I started to realize that the internet may only help me as much.

I realized that in this age, where everything is available with the click of a button, WE HAVE FOCUSED ALL OUR ENERGY ON CONSUMING STUFF.

Now I know that many people will say that they are consuming information and then executing it too. But I think that the problem is that WHEN WE RELY SO MUCH ON OUTSIDE SOURCES OF ADVICE, WE BECOME DEPENDENT AND FAIL TO LISTEN TO THE INNER VOICE.

We should not be blindly following people that have been successful in various fields and copy their behavior. This way we will become more of them and less of us due to which we automatically start losing (or succeeding less).

If the successful people had tried to emulate other people they would not have been successful because everyone is wired differently.

How one person communicates is different from how the other does. Some people may be extremely extroverted, some may be introverted, and some may change according to the situation! But it does NOT mean that any of them are less likely to be successful in life/work.

How people parent their children is different from each other. One might scold their child more and the other may provide a lot of freedom to their child. But there is no standard way of parenting to raise good children. Do you get where I am going?

I know that this topic might be confusing for all of you and you may or may not get what I am trying to say but I think that this thought has been really helpful in making me more productive and confident.

Summing it up, here are two ways to listen more to your instincts:

1. Do not consume much content:

These days it is really easy to read ONE MORE medium post or watch ONE MORE interview or read ONE MORE book.

When you consume a lot of content (even from successful people), you might see positive changes in yourself but you should always place your opinion first.

If some quality of a successful person does not feel natural or comfortable to you then do not do it. It is really better to be more of yourself rather than forcing yourself to be more of someone else

2. Do not try to copy a person who is successful:

Blindly copying other people is equal to sacrificing the gift given to you. Hone your craft and be more of YOU.

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