Reinvent Yourself
Re-Invent Yourself
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2017

Hey Re-inventors!

How many times have we faced an insult and reacted in a way that is not……us?

The answer is many times.

Life is not all good and not everyone is travelling the road to personal development like you my friend.

And thus it is obvious that during of journey of becoming a better version of yourself, these people will surely interfere.

Before understanding how to react to an insult, let us understand why people insult others


Simply put, the people who insult others are insecure. They do not have anything else to do in their lives and their self-esteem is only fueled by the satisfaction they get from bullying or teasing others.

All that they do is a result of their fear and narcissism.

A person who is angry may insult other people because he/she cannot find an outlet for their anger and as a result they take it out on other people.

This fact is really important to understand because before you can react to something, you need to know where it is coming from.

So now let’s break down the two most important things that will help you to react to an insult in a positive way:

1. Know where is the insult coming from:

This was the specific reason I told you guys to understand the reason behind an insult.

Most of the times, the insult is NOT ABOUT YOU, it is about THEM.

It is because THEY are irritated, angry or frustrated NOT because YOU are unworthy or it’s not because you are meant to be degraded/insulted.

This should be the first thing that you should realize so that you can maintain your balanced state of mind and react in a positive way.

2. Look inside:

As I write this article I do come to a realization that even if I try to be positive, the world will not be so. In fact they will even not care whether I am positive or not.

Earlier I used to think that if I will be positive, then everyone else will be positive with me. The result of this mindset was that every time I talked to someone who was negative or scolded/insulted me, I was pissed off.

This completely erodes the peace of mind one gets by being positive.

Then, I realized that I had the solution inside me. When I expect everyone to be positive, I will be upset when someone behaves negatively. IF I DO NOT EXPECT POSITIVITY FROM OTHERS THEN I WON’T BE UPSET.

The main advantage of this mindset is that YOU ARE PREPARED FOR THE WORSE. This way it gives you the much needed resilience that you need in order to succeed.

I hope that these two things helped you guys and you will be able to handle insults/negative comments by people in a positive way so that YOU can succeed.

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