Reinvent Yourself
Re-Invent Yourself
Published in
3 min readJun 13, 2017

Hey Re-inventors!

The thought that comes to my mind this beautiful morning is “Whether one should fail fast?” Is this mantra actually true?

On the face of it, it really seems true right?

We should look forward to failure, accept it and then move forward, right?

Not exactly

What I found through my research is that this phrase, originally created by the silicon valley, has painted a wrong picture of failure.

After reading this phase many people have started seeing failure as a “Badge of honour”. They have started to celebrate it thinking that if they fail. they are on the right track essentially.

But the truth is. you cannot determine whether you are on the right track just because you fail.

The problem with this phrase is that people do not truly LEARN FROM IT.

Hearing this quote on the internet and interpreting it in the wrong sense is something that most people have done.

When successful entrepreneurs say this quote, what they actually mean is that entrepreneurs and people who want to succeed in life should “TAKE RISKS” and not eulogise failure.

This is just as important as over thinking and crying about a failure. Before this quote, I suppose, most of the people must have been disappointed by failure(which is wrong) and after this quote people have started celebrating failure(which is again wrong). Because when we spend time on celebrating failure, we forget to truly learn from it. This is the reason that, in my opinion, the “FAIL FAST” approach is not completely right.

The exact thing that people should do, in my opinion, is TO NOT LET FAILURE AFFECT THEM IN ANY WAY. You should neither celebrate it nor take it as a stress/burden.

Simply understand that it is a part of the process, learn from it and move ahead!

Evidently, this article is smaller than other articles that I have written. This is just a random thought that has been going through my mind.

Hope this article provides some value and if it does, let me know by clicking that green heart!

Be happy and keep Re-inventing yourself!


