Best Reads July 2019

Manel Heredero
Reinventing Work
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2019

Networks, collaboration, reinventing work and the future of organisations. There is a tsunami of articles, tools, videos and podcast that flow through my networks — and every month I try to select a handful of them.

#1 Articles

Platforms, Workers, Rights and WorkerTech — The digital labour market under debate. By Albert Canigueral (we highly recommend following him on Twitter).

Two aspects of work have changed dramatically, and the new task is to understand network phenomena. A New Growth Theory by Esko Kilpi.

“Leaders who do not fully grasp the concept that conflict of some sort is necessary and even desirable to teaming are destined to fail in all but the most routine of work environments”. An alternative way to look at conflict in teams, by Lisa Gill — And the “Teaming” book by Amy Edmondson.

An open-source angle to the fight between Veja and Primark, by Jaime Arredondo.

#2 Worth testing

Try the Ball Point game when you want to illustrate the importance of agile with a new team.

#3 Worth watching (or listening to)

Teaming, 13min TED Talk by Amy Edmondson
What high performance teams do. 3min video by Faster than 20
Margaret Wheatley on leadership and Warriors for the Human Spirit. Interview on the Leadermorphosis podcast.

#4 Others, randomly

Governance networks in the public sector
Curated list of articles and resources on setting our own salaries, via the Reinventing Work folks.
How to solve the plastic packaging paradox
Understanding New Power
The privacy project, by the New York Times
An experiment of the Colorado State House on how to make better decisions with quadratic voting
What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team

About me

I’m an organisational transformation facilitator who works with organisations seeking to empower their teams to innovate and transform business strategy. My focus is on collaborative and agile practices, knowledge management and collective intelligence. I’m fascinated by networked organisations, distributed leadership and innovative governance models, and their ability to transform traditional companies into adaptive and purposeful organisations.

You can contact me at or simply check out our work at Greaterthan.

Reinventing Work is aimed at people in organisations that are interested in the future of work, self-organising teams, self-management, emergent hierarchies, participatory change, decentralised leadership, distributed authority, collaboration, new ways of working and organisaiton design. If you’ve heard of ‘Brave New Work’ by Aaron Dignan, Frederic Laloux’s book ‘Reinventing Organisations’, the Corporate Rebels blog, or the Leadermorphosis podcast, then this is definitely for you!



Manel Heredero
Reinventing Work

The power of organisations lies in their ability to engage in collective action