Power of the Third Perspective

Reena Saxena
Empowered Women
1 min readSep 21, 2021


If you are upset about something, what exactly are you feeling in your body and mind?

Disgust? Anger? Rage? Sadness? Loneliness? Helplessness?

Go further down to your childhood and early years, and think if some incident or thought had caused a similar feeling. Your body stores the memory of that incident.

Permit yourself to go deep into the psyche of that child or adolescent and see what’s happening there. Write his or her story.

The condition is …

You need to write this story in the third person, not starting with “I” or “You”.

  1. Ask questions.

2. Find answers.

3. Make assumptions.

4. Seek validation.

Finally, reach a conclusion.

How does that story end?


The end of the story will be very different from what played out in your own life.

The end of the story will be positive, and very empowering.

Experience the power of the Third Person.

Tell this person the things you dare not tell yourself.

Watch the flow of your life change.

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Originally published at http://sacredcircleforwomen.wordpress.com on September 21, 2021.



Reena Saxena
Empowered Women

Author - Unlock the Wealth Mindset # Master Money Habits