Introduction: Who the Hell Are We?

Relatable Reality
Published in
1 min readJun 23, 2018

We are three cool nerds who want to share our random reality.

We don’t think we should write in detail about why do we create this blog in Medium, because it’s not thesis proposal or formal media description, or any company profile.

Relatable Reality is a blog about reality that we’ve experienced, we’ve felt, we’ve seen, we’ve done, we’ve heard, that’s it.

We write those daily realities here (in cool way).

“Reality sometimes gives you lemons.”

Well, it is.

So, our writings are about how these three introverts deal with reality, which might be different than others.

Our purpose is simple.

We hope you get entertained (we have master of sarcasm here, don’t worry), be more realistic, and find some useful stories (maybe), or find one who you feel related to.

Yeah, whatever it is, we want you to enjoy our writings and support us.

